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Everything posted by stubby

  1. good write up, and good on ya for the extra permission, you'll find looking for a good ferreting partner quite a journey, but you'll find one in the end, Ive taken out quite a few member/newbies ferreting, most never come again, others turn into good mates
  2. thats soley down to me, as a ferret keeper, and seeing that lots of "newbies" breed ferrets just for the sake of it, rather than needs, and also seeing that ferrets were reguarded as a throw away item because of their cheapness, that I started the two pinned sections on the ferret forum, where ANY MEMBER, could advertise ferrets only, and hopefully find them a home, rather than them end up in a rescue centre, or knocked on the head, Ive had those sections running for two seasons now,and hopefully they help members out,they could be pulled at anytime to conform with site rules, but hopeful
  3. concerning "livestock" just look in the forums, how many posts do you see of members complaining about dogs that were supposed to be the bee's knee's on such and such when they paid money for them, only to see the dog fail as soon as they get home that is the reason for the rules, everyone is then accountable, anyone selling a dog that isi'nt up to scratch will hopefully be a bit more truthful on it, as any comebacks would get posted on here, thus they would'ent want "their name" tarnished, so what members want in your words, is to be able to sell for friends,friends of friends etc, that
  4. and thats what the report button is for lads, we cant see everything at once, moan that yours get removed but dont report and bring to our attention other posts, but instead put a moaning post up about rules
  5. agreed but I only get 22ish mpg with mine.. Ive never been one to work out milage, I simply fill it up £40 ish pound, and drive till it needs it again, remembering it uses more fuel in 4x4 mode, once I can find an empty workshop for a day, it'll be getting the camo job paintover
  6. shop bought and home made, no difference what-so-ever, they both catch regularly
  7. well, found my home made lofting poles, so am going to take the owl out tomorrow and give it a go, Ill post if I have any success
  8. for future reference, it's spelt WHO
  9. the vitara gets my goes anywhere the bigger 4x4's can go, plus more, great on petrol too
  10. Id recomend you get the insurance sorted first, join BASC or SACS and get your public liability, you'd be gutted if someone offered, but asked to see insurance, only for you to reply, Ive got to get some first, or can you wait 2 weeks plus for the paperwork to come through, it don't look good to a landowner wanting to put his trust in you, does it
  11. don't think my ferrets give a shit about presentation
  12. yup, Ive got the same crow call, and a really good magpie call, I think Ill try the middle of field approach, have a few dead maggies in the freezer too, so I'll give it another go, have a new permission that has 100's of crows flying over tried this on another permish with no luck
  13. so what am I doing wrong, Ive tried plastic crow deeks, Ive tried a decoy fox, and yes, Ive tried a large owl decoy, yet the buggers still stay at height, laughing as they fly past where did you put your owl?
  14. working as a pestie for the underground, see's many jobs coming my way for collection of dead animals, friday night we had to remove a badger that was on the tracks, after being cut in half by a train :sick: anyhow, I removed the head before it went into the works incinerator, and have just skinned the skull, the skull for my collection, then remembered that people do badger mask's too, so whats the next step, do I salt it, or methalated spirit it, or what, suggestions asap please for some reason, Im sure I read it somewhere, but I always thought you needed a special certificate to mo
  15. no, stand on rabbits front legs, pull stomach fur tight, nick the skin with the knife, just making a small hole on rib cage, that way you cant get anywhere near stomach, insert first finger into hole and pull away from front of rabbit, all its doing is ripping off the belly skin, then simply a finger either side of stomach and pull down and away, gets easier with practise,
  16. popping is ok if you go out without a knife or only have a couple, but unless done properly, then yes, you pop the stomach and meat gets tainted, heres a good way if you have alot to do, me and pat could do around fifty rabbits in 10-15 minutes, one person nicks and opens, the other throws the insides out, all done by pat in this video, as Im holding the camera.
  17. I took it as that, but others may not it was more the case of trapping, yet not killing instantly, but then using them in training a dog, I could be totally wrong, presumably you'vre checked up on any laws already before asking though
  18. Im sure theres a law or two being broken here to trap birds for re-sale Im sure you'd need a licence when trapping, your agreeing to swiftly dispatch, thus not prolonging the stress of a "live" animal/bird in a cage releasing a "pest" into an unknown enviroment releasing a caught bird for death by dogs I can understand the logic behind the reason, but the do-gooders out there would'ent
  19. not got any spares, but aint you claiming costs from the other driver?
  20. right first, open up a photobucket.com account, its FREE upload pictures from your computer onto photobucket once they are there move mouse over a picture, right click, 4 codes will appear under the picture now scroll down to the 4th box (4th code) right click again and copy the code on your reply post here, right click mouse, select paste, you'vre now pasted code into your reply, do any writing you want, copy and paste more pictures if need be, just have both applications running in two windows, hit reply button bottom of our page sorted
  21. Im confussed as to why so dear, IR filters only cost £28 brand new from cluson's website, whys this one so dear
  22. the trap can be made to suit the person using it, that one's owned by a very small farmer you empty a ladder trap ONLY AT NIGHT so birds are usually perching rather than flying
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