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Everything posted by stubby

  1. well, do yourself and us a favour, and check out the defra website, and LEARN THE LAW then, using a live animal as bait, wild or pet is totally illegal, then it'll save you looking like a muppet with the above posts
  2. already do, my rotary and lamp came with identical batteries, both 12v 7a
  3. Ive had both 12 and 410 in pedretti single hushpower, only got the 410 now, the 12 however took some getting used to, its nearly the same diameter as plastic rainwater downpipe, although very easy to swing, and if used with eley subsonic carts, very quite, no need for ear defenders, although a 3 shot pump is slightly more noisier, if money is not tight, Id say get a mossberg pump, as the single shot is a real pain
  4. they are the same ones I have, as yet they have not bought anything down, a dead rabbit belly up has had better results
  5. at the time I applied for my SGC, I never had any permission to shoot anywhere, I simply said I wanted to get a single bore hushpower 410 for live caught fox dispatch, which the FAO was happy with, of course once you have your certificate, you can buy whatever you want. I did take the trouble, to find out from others in my area, what cake he liked, then made sure we had fresh bread pudding coming out of the oven, as he knocked on the door,
  6. on one of our permissions, Ive been fighting a losing battle against crows, have tried a few different decoying ideas, crow deeks, fox deek and owl decoy, NOT A SAUSAGE well, not one for giving up, had a read on the crowbusters site, and they said, if using an owl decoy, better results were to be had if crow decoys were used in conjunction, lofted into the tree's higher than the owl, well seems a good idea, but did'nt want to shell out on lofting hooks, so made my own out of 6mm threaded rod, the crows/magpie are then held in place with a locking nut either side (top & bottom) th
  7. I would bet 90% of this forum dont have there own shoot and wont even attempt to get there own as they can go leach there mates. Dont waste your time posting on forums asking for permission,all you get is insult by people who aint even got there own. If you were near me I would take you out mate,hey if it gets real hard just remember (you dont always need permission,just be vigilante and carefull ;-) ) so 30 posts under your belt, and your already talking crap, lots of members here take others out, be it air rifles,shotguns,rimfire, even ferreting, maybe once you have been a mem
  8. they should be back tomorrow if its there regular roosting spot
  9. most poisons sold over the counter to public don't ie, B&Q, wilkinsons, its mostly standard grain or pasta, made and sold by rentokil
  10. ID carry on with the traps, but remove the poison, if you get dead ones in impossible place to reach, they will stink you out :sick:
  11. a good reason for members to fill in their profile with a LOCATION although your willing to travel, not much good if theres a couple of hundred miles in between you is there
  12. oright bud i do have a coller and a reciever, i was wondering if you can use more than 2 collors with 1 reciever at the same time? Your help will be appreciated you can use any number of collars with one locator, if you have only 2 collars, why put 3 ferts down when ferreting your better off, putting jills in first, they are faster, let them work the warren, then after rabbits have bolted, remove jills and enter hobs, they will move on any non bolters
  13. yet again, a good reason to enter your "location" in your details, as someone close by, may have just what you need, save paying shop prices 2"x2" weldmesh is ok for pigeon traps that way the strength of wire, holds it square, or simple chickenwire on a battern frame
  14. definetly need the insurance, also keep ammo and mags seperate, dont load magazines until on your permission, and unload before you leave
  15. u tube is your best bet, just type in either pigeon decoying or pigeon shooting
  16. rather than start yet another post on the hatsan, could you not have simply asked in your other hatsan post, seems only you can deciede on the right gun, guns jam sometimes, its not the end of the world, you simply clear the jam and carry on, you may find a 100 hatsan owners that praise their guns, but you then buy one and it jams, its just luck of the draw, the same could be said with any make gun you buy, big difference is price, Id rather have a cheap throw about gun, that may jam occassionally, to an expensive gun, that I dont want getting dirty I'll combine both your hatsan posts, s
  17. christ, thats expensive, I use kent velocity at £45 a slab (250)
  18. have you passed your driving test yet?? if so, scoot around the m25 to essex, Ive got some, never used woodga made ones here you can have
  19. another for the hatsan from me, never had to replace the "o" ring, and the gun is well over a year old, gets used on a regular basis, you can cover it in mud,rain,blood, anything in fact, it'll carry on reguardless, and then a quick wipe over at end of day, or the next I used to clean it after every outing, but now, after every 2 or 3 notice no difference what so ever great gun for the price,easy to strip down (just look on u tube) and no worries if you drop it yes you can buy better, but then I suspect you'd be fannying around anytime it got mud,dirt,blood on it
  20. if you have a 3-9 x 40 already, Id stick with that, although long shots can be taken with the rimmie, I prefer to shoot to a max of 90yds, an my 3-9 is ample at that
  21. if he has permission, theres not much you can do it might pay though to chat to the farmer, and get names/numbers of any other permission holders, so you could chat about maybe lamping different nights, or at least calling each other if going out, save any akward shots in other peoples direction...
  22. thats a talented dog, how does he grip the lamp
  23. £15ish whats yir name dick turpin :thumbdown: I suppose its an individual opinion on how you look on ferrets, and if you value them as a working animal, YES I will charge £15 to £20 for ferrets from me, but Ill also spend a good few hours giving new owners advice etc, I'm also able to give them names/dates etc of parents/grandparents, if you think thats daylight robbery as your "dick turpin" remark goes, maybe thats why so many people see ferrets as a throw away item as they pick them up for next to nothing and therefore cant be arsed with vets bills, or ferret locators, craz
  24. thats just your opinion of course, I have a mk1, the smoke when they want to quote, is normally down to the user pumping the trigger too much, rather than waiting a little for the unit to turn liquid to vapour, catching fire, is again, over use of the trigger before the unit is ready, but of course, thats only my opinion
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