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Everything posted by stubby

  1. or become a donator to the site, it increases your upload quota, then reduce the image quaility on your camera/phone, high resolution stuff is way to much for computer pictures
  2. .22 tends to stay in one piece, either passing through, or easily found, other bigger ammo tends to fragment on impact, meaning you could end up giving lead poisoning to your BOP
  3. try bitz 4 vitz you may find them with a google search, or via e bay
  4. or you could of politly gave her the correct facts, and the why greys are classed as pest's, and converted someone to be on "the hunters side" as I have done many a time whilst out doing pest control, but instead you have only fuelled her thoughts on hunters/pesties/country sports on being carried out by thugs
  5. morrisons are now selling crayfish tails, £3 for around 20 in a box
  6. its still a bit cold, but why not wait for it to warm up, then go on a walkabout, bit of rabbit as bait, long bit of rope on your net, and do some test drops, in different rivers/ponds/lakes etc the trouble you'll find with hoping that someone will direct you to a spot, is a lot of people class "the spots" as a highly guarded secret,
  7. having a sort out, well the mrs was have some books here that maybe of use to someone, free of charge if you come and collect from grays, first to say on this post gets them, of course if they dont turn up, they can go to the 2nd person etc all about ferrets a handguide to british birds long netting and net making by jon hutcheon total airguns tales of old poachers diary of a hunter
  8. this was a talked about post over on the WSF, just to put everyones mind at rest, phoned and chatted with EA officials and its perfectly legal to use fowl or rabbit meat as a bait for crays or lobsters did'nt ask about scotland, they are a weird lot up there
  9. with non native crayfish, which is what were all after, you'll get done left,right and centre if you caught returning them once caught, they all have to be removed dont bother with buying drop nets, make your own, here's some pictures of mine, you'll figure out how to make them for penny's as for areas of council owned rivers/canals, they will never give permission, unless for scientific purpose, so you need to read between the lines, and work in the "grey" areas of the law buy a rod licence, this gives you the right to fish, then check out their website on op
  10. just an update here fella's Ive not replied to anyone who cant be bothered to fill in their location details, If they cant, why should I anyone who has, this is a hands on club, not internet based, no forum etc, just monthly meets, if your living the other'side of anywhere, outside of reasonable traveling distance, it's probably not for you either
  11. a few months ago I stumbled upon a website and club of "crayfish" it seemed an interesting site, run by a group of guys the enjoyed crayfishing, but although the site and club structure was excellent, by reading posts/pictures etc, it was obvious nothing had been added since 2010, so I contacted the secretary, basically their membership had dwindled to just the club officers, they did'nt want to fold the club as they had a large amount of monies in club funds etc, they also organised cray catching trips abroad, along with beer drinking,lol anyhow, they have been in contact again, they are
  12. no,. Im affraid xmas and booze and time off work, made me fall into a lazy state,lol doing more sea fishing at moment on the thames estuary, but will get back on the crays around march/april time
  13. not trying to put a downer on your site, but in your "why we do it" section, your talking about everyone as a whole throughout the country, insurance/respect of boundarys/livestock etc, all of which is totally out of your control, yet it would lead a landowner to belive that anyone they contact will have the same attitude as yourselves, something that could come back and bite you on your arse if you aint careful, perhaps you should inc a disclaimer somewhere, just to cover yourself, as the only trouble with offering "FREE" pest control to gain permissions, is that if the shite ever hits the fa
  14. check out forum rules, add a price, if you want offers, go to e bay
  15. as stated in opening post, NO POSTING, COLLECTION ONLY
  16. as the title says, Im after a sea fishing flotation suit, Im 6'2" so reckon I'll need a L OR XL must be 2 pc have a magnum baskets, and 2 nets set on magnum fibreglass poles, nets approx 30mtrs and 25mtrs, good condition collection only no posting
  17. It'll probably be easier to give it a month or two, tempreture rises in the water etc, as they seem to be slower in the cold, get a test net, travel to different water courses within your area and lob it in, having attached a rope first of course or do as I did, check with any fisheries/club etc that have their ponds fed by a local stream, then check if they had a cray problem
  18. a few of you will know about the herts/essex crayfishing that's been going on lately, and the dilema on wether to contact the EA or not, well a few of us went about it as legally possible as we could, there was talk of bringing in charges next year, but on a recent telephone conversation with the EA, they informed me these plans had been scrapped, I therefore sent in my application for next year, as the tags I have only lasted till the end of 2011. they (EA) phoned me last week, saying they had recieved the application and would hold onto it until january before processing, and also asked a f
  19. seems as though quite a few people are interested in crayfishing, and it also seems fishing areas for them are kept quite secret, and I can understand why to a degree, a bit like pigeon shooting, you would'ent advertise a good,easy to shoot location, had you done all the legwork to get it so, after contacting a few private carp fisheries to see if they needed help with crayfish infestations, and getting the normal, thanks, but we already have someone replies (simular to pigeons,lol) I looked more into the lakes construction, seems most of them are built/dug on farmland to act as a water so
  20. so up north the buzzards hang about in packs of 10 plus like the commerants do, do they? theres the difference
  21. speaking from a pestie point of view, applying for a license sounds ok, but you normally have to prove every means to deter them has been done first, ie the inflatables, flashing lights etc, which if the guy is skint, aint going to happen, plus you may get permission to shoot 3 or 4 a year, but what of the rest Ive heard early morning visits work well with a rimfire, making sure to remove and dispose of any bodies, also finding roosting trees (heck of a lot of shit underneath) but of course Im not saying you should do that we live in the real world here
  22. well, I got the outdoor boiler up and running, and it makes light work of sorting out the crays, on the wifes cooker, using her pots, boiling maybe 5 crays at a time, 100 took over 3 hours, having to replace water etc well my new outside set up is the mutts nutts, total cost around £105, mostly sourced from good old evil bay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0U658xyynY Ive only done a couple of test runs, but it'll boil cold water in 25 minutes, and theres enough space in the pot to boil around 30-40 crays depending on size, 5 minutes to boil the crays perfectly, then put the n
  23. and people wonder why hunting/foraging gets a bad name some of us prefer to keep within the law, it helps with our work, plus WHY??? I had a great morning out last week, caught a lot of crays, and had permission from the EA
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