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Everything posted by stubby

  1. check out the link to the airgun forum I posted on page one, then go into night vision section, people have already used the item you have bought simular to my set up, you'll have all the info/instructions you'll need there to convert yours, changing the lens etc like the idea of roof mounted lights, I'll look into it
  2. also I could be wrong, but normally when money changes hands, buisnesses start to want it done by the book, ie method statements and risk assesments, ie, what happens after you shoot birds/blood splatters etc, being a food factory they would need proof that areas were free from contamination etc for their records etc, also remember when getting paid for pest control, the buck stops with you, you cant blame any mishaps on others,
  3. crosshairs sorted http://youtu.be/3PvN3gSoTm0
  4. ok, had my first test run over the farm last night, noticed straight away a few bits that need tweaking, but these are not associated with the nv, firstly I have a rifle rest permantly fixed to my 4x4 door, of course its set up for leaning out window to look through a scope, therefore using the nv, the screen was too high to be comfortable, I'll need to make up a 2nd rifle rest if using this in future, my lamp worked brilliant with the nv filter, too good in fact, could do with a dimmer or sorts my idea of an extra larger lcd screen mounted on centre of dash is deffo on the cards, as this wou
  5. have a bresser, its good for what it is, needed my lamp with ir filter to see anything at distance/over 30yds a good start to get into nv, but after dabbling with my homemade stuff, Id be more eager to build your own if its just for spotting
  6. follow my link above to the airgun forum, theres pages to troll through reguarding camcorder night vision units, you'll get all your info there for sure
  7. I just followed what everyone else said about needing this type of scope, I do have a standard 3-9 x 50 on my bolt action, so I'll fit it on that sometime later today and see if it'll work ok without the paralax
  8. yes, I already have a lead to ciggy socket, but as sometimes I shoot with others, its handy having the battery, the scope was a cheap parelax 3-9 from a works air rifle, as all my other scopes are fixed, you need to be able to re focus on certain areas
  9. not a thing mate, its doing exactlly what I wanted, maybe extras to add/buy at a later date would be change lamp and ir filter for an adjustable ir laser battery size is ok for me as shoot from 4x4, but others may want smaller/slimer/lighter and maybe add this on next pay day, its £44 from china, but still brings it in at under £100, at only £96 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320770984430?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_3070wt_1344
  10. ok, its dark, heres the video, excuse the shakyness, a mixture of cold and excitment, but trust me, its the mutts nutts, well pleased and a saving of around £350 on a shop bought item
  11. as a full time pest controller, I still needed permission on one patch to get my cert, they way I did it was to other a customer who I was baiting for rats at his house, but also owned large area of land, if he signed paperwork, then his other work would be free of charge, that way he got something out of it, as a pestie I did ask for an open ticket on 1st application, showing I had good reason, along with countless other certifications from work, they not only gave me it open, but also passed it to contain wording, humainly dispatch any animal
  12. , my only difference is that rather than purchasing an IR laser, I'm using my lamp with a piece of IR filter over it http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/INFRA-RED-LED-PLASTIC-FILTER-3MM-PERSPEX-SHEET-ACRYLIC-/170592626595?pt=UK_CCTV&hash=item27b81ce7a3 this is all stuff from an airgun forum, but the guy gives a full run down on items purchased and numbers from evil bay http://www.airgunforum.co.uk/forums/night-vision-optics/127623-full-list-nv-parts.html probably like me you'll have bits and pieces laying around, so you wont need to buy everything, my first route is how cheap can
  13. Im not going to take any credit for this, as although I did think up what bits to order, after lots of google searches, Im not the first person to come up with this idea of a "homebrew" kit, rather that paying out £400 plus on shop bought items using stuff from my shed, so far total outlay has been £52.50 this was a daytime test, night time one to follow in around 8hrs, but it'll zoom in on chimney pots around 100yds away, and focus, its fitted to my ruger 10-22, yes a silencer will be added, no rabbits were harmed in the making of this clip http://youtu.be/7Haioaq56wY
  14. would you belive, pidgeon watch removed it because it contained swearing
  15. a biker friend of ours had a small crush on one of the girls on that tv programme "take me out" anyway, after watching every week, he realised she was a little bit up on herself, especially after getting picked for a date but being totally rude to the guy, as it meant she wouldent be on telly anymore and no more twitter fan club so he put this together, lets get it to go viral http://youtu.be/BvZQUFIguOE
  16. Ive got that style in my 10-22, although I prefer my cz bolt siloette style, it does the job same as any other tool
  17. dogs should'ent eat rodent poison directly as its made to be unpalatable to them, very bitter, which rats and mice love, also the risk of secondary poisoning is very minimal, a dog would need to fully eat 10 or so rats in one sitting, for it to have a knock on effect
  18. magwitch (old member from here) just pm'd me about this, both he and myself would be up for this, he has a very good jack and whippet (dont know if he'd bring the whippet) and he lives in kent (find him on pidgeon watch) and myself over in essex, have a great ratting jrt and an oil smoker (dont give you headache) give us a shout if you want our help, the only thing you'd need to check as theres a pond, phone the environment agency and check if water voles have been spotted/reported in that area/pond, although you can tell a vole and rat apart, terriers tend not to worry, but as voles are pr
  19. thats a fair good profit, I know magwitch made one, using items bought from evil bay, total cost of £108 used last week on his 17hmr it looks and does the bizz,
  20. firstly, its a pet jack russell, so prob is 2nd rate in your eye's, but she's humainly killed many a rat on pest jobs for me, terrier instinct makes her rush in, so the minute the rat was caught and squealed, she was out the kitchen door and onto it, before I had even got out of the chair, but at least the rat was not caught like that for hours, rather than seconds, so, how was my post "a macho dickhead" post, as it seems your implying that,not only do you slate my post, but also my dog, if you check my post record, you'll see Im very rarely here anymore, reason being is members like you,
  21. thanks for backing it up rolfe, I had thought about leaving a reply earlier, but did'nt want to start an argument with someone, when I knew I was in the right
  22. few weeks back our daughter said she saw a rat in the garden, so put a cople of break backs out under a wire cage, but nothing, then yesterday I saw the bugga, and found its entry point into the garden, so buried a mk4 fenn directly in front of the area, few hours later with heard the high pitch squeal, "smart" our JRT rushed in, in true terrier style to finish it off, total length 15 1/4 inches
  23. as long as it cant be pulled off the wall with force, but it should be rawlbolts, as they can be a lot stronger, plugs will pull out alot easier, I would go with bolts, as if the worst was ever to happen, the police would see that everything had been done correctly, as pulling bolts out, would take a fair chunk of brickwork with it, plugs would just leave a drilled hole
  24. i have to agree the more im reading the more the.17hmr is standing out as the leader it seems to be a much safer and versitile round with safe being my main criteria. whats the .17hmr like on noise? kanny yes, you get the occasional ricocet on a .22 rimmy, but as long as your shooting correctly, and thinking about the area your shooting across (ie fields full of broken flint) you should not worry too much, nor let it sway you as to a different calibre for bunny bashing/lamping, Id say the .22 wins every time, even body shot rabbits are still edible, and as alreadt stated, ammo at
  25. funny, but last time I looked, this was not the for sale section
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