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Everything posted by stubby

  1. offers are for e bay, add a price or remove
  2. Ive amended your posts, theres plenty to watch on utube for free, but please dont ask for members to give you pirated dvd's, as it against forum rules to sell copies
  3. if you have no permission of your own, how did you become an EXPERIENCED pest control expert
  4. why not just apply for .22 and 17, wait for your interview and then tell him what you have stated in your opening post, he will tell you what you can or cant have then its in the bag, dont forget to ask/apply for moderators and expanding ammo (sub sonics)
  5. basc or sacs is no good, if your going to quote wanting it open for pest control WORK, as work is deemed as payed work, and basc or sacs is only unpaid, get yourself a public liability insurance that you pay a yearly fee for, then you can quote its to do with pest control, safe use of rifles at bisley is a good quailification to show them, a writtern testomy could be from your farmer saying how safe you are in the use of shotgun and air rifle, putting in new land to be cleared constantly shows work related to pest control
  6. make your own nv, mines cost £52.50, so already £12.50 cheaper than you cam, and you don't need to know what chips are although I do know chips are made from potatoes
  7. he should have saved his ££££'s then, sounds like a pig in a poke
  8. have you tried shooting instead,
  9. to complete the day, when the mrs went to put rubbish in the dustbin, noticed we had a visitor in the trap, we have had upto 3 foxes per night (caught on cctc) digging up the front lawn, well now its one less, should I let those fox people know on the tv must of came in between 9am and 11.30am,
  10. my mrs is the best, also a northern lass, who just laughed and called me a southern pansie for getting blisters well met the farmer and was pulled out within minutes, was quite good actually as normally only converse via text's, today gave me the oppotunity to give him a bottle of sloe vodka made from his sloe's, along with a printed label with his farm's name on, he was well chuffed, then gave me permission to put bee hives on the farm,result anyway, my little mule is now home safe and sound
  11. me and the mrs went for a drive over my permission, to test out the newly installed ir spots, well they were a fail, will try bigger wattage bulbs in before I call it a day on them though, so we continued with the normal rifle mounted lamp and ir filter, went down a path and wallop, got stuck in a rut, never happened before but stuck fast, tried the normal tricks of branches under wheels, rocking car etc, no way was it getting out, so lock the motor up and start the long walk home across fields, we took a short cut across a landfill site, and of course set off the cctv surveilance, 20 minutes
  12. title says it all really, bought this around a year ago, using CCI subs never got jammed once, its great for walking shooting, but as my ruger is now a dedicated night vision from the 4x4, it catches on the window, so have gone back to 10 shots that fit flush with rifle its the steel lips type, not plastic, and smoked rather than clear £25 plus postage, or can be collected from grays in essex,
  13. I think with FAC, its all about showing "good reason" I applied a couple of years ago, on my interview I asked for 3 main things, a section 1 shotgun, denied, double my allotted ammo, denied, an open ticket on first application, no answer, I then went on to show my certifications for air rifle shooting in my job, safe backstops etc, and talked in length about pest control/my job, I recieved an open ticket, along with being able to humainly dispatch any animal in destress, or in relation to pest control work, all for a .22 rimfire
  14. ok, so they are not tested on the nv yet, but wanted to get them in a working position before friday night, as if the rain holds off it'll be lamping over a friends permission, and testing the nv too, now when I shoot my permission its all done from the drivers seat, rifle fits on a door mounted rest and Im looking/aiming ahead of the car, being driver and shooter I can position the car/shot angle where ever I want it, but if Im over the orchards which is a friends permission, we have one of us driving, and the other shooting from passengers window 90 degree's to the car/front (down between
  15. my shooting buddie uses a 170 lightforce, that travels at least twice the distance of my 140 ucaller, even with red filters on, so you could try starting there
  16. a trip to specsavers is needed, this is THE HUNTING LIFE forum, there are plenty of links provided in my old posts to others sites talking about homemade night vision/air rifle stuff
  17. well, after a few bits of advice from others, I redesigned them by putting the clear lens back in and sticking the ir filter onto it, left them plugged in for an hour and half tonight and all works fine so far, Ill check out if they work with the nv unit on a night when it aint raining, and if they work as good as my rifle mounted lamp, then next step, fix on the 4x4
  18. these are the sellers I use, pm them with a size and they cut it for you, then send you an e bay number to buy it now http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170592626595?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  19. you mean the type with flip up screen,camera and dvr all in one?
  20. packed up in what way? try tracking what item is at fault
  21. this seller on evil bay will cut to size for you, just send them a message http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170829672592?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
  22. another member recomended using dedicated IR lamps on top of his shooting wagon, used alongside his homemade nightvision, saves having a lamp or laser on the rifle. looking on evil bay, these units retailed around £150 plus each of course, I prefer "budget vision" so odered some IR filter and made these, had to replace one bulb so came to a total of £9.65 all in, I'll get a video up of the whole set-up once they are bolted to the roof of 4x4 http://youtu.be/J7VIiNa6Pwc
  23. ok, more bits added, picked this up from evilbay for £10 made up a splitter connector, so it can be placed on the dashboard and show what I can see via the rifle lcd screen, also means I can record using it as a dvr http://youtu.be/G_UGXfCjpmE
  24. think, if you re read the post, I wasent asking for advice the op was, your answer sounds like you think its me
  25. ok, having looked at dedicated Ir lamps, and the prices Im going to try a couple of normal spot lamps, covered with the same IR perspex I have on my rifle lamp, it'll save having the lamp/or a laser attached to the rifle, making it less cumbersome
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