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Everything posted by stubby

  1. took this clip today, we have just under 7000 bee's in this hive http://youtu.be/BANcb5beVws
  2. ok, Im probably going to be trading up to another 4x4 pretty soon, so thought Id post it here before taking it into a dealers my vitara 1996 1600cc 3 door, hand painted camo, rifle rests bolted to drivers door, top parts detachable, plus 2 x auxchilly 12volt sockets, 1 on each side of dashboard by door windows mot till feb 8th 2013 tax, end of next month its had a low speed knock to the front, which has dented the bumper and cracked the front grill, a bit of green and black paint will cover it, it comes with 1/4 tin of each, black and green paint theres also a tubular bar just behind
  3. short clip of my girls, 3rd day and bringing in pollen http://youtu.be/Zya6KbeXvLs
  4. as a newbie beekeeper of only 2 weeks, god must be smiling on me, as collected another cast swarm yesterday, have seen the queen and they are all settled in a homemade 6 frame nuc, have also found out that the first swarm is queenless, as on checking cells, we had between 1 and 5!!!! eggs per cell, so a laying worker, once the new swarm has settled in and queen mated, may try combining both swarms via a paper marriage
  5. made this yesterday, although Im using TBH, I am being drawn towards nationals for their ease of use, so this is ready if another swarm comes along just need to order some frames and foundation
  6. I reckon magwitch chewed the ears off himself, he's always peckish...
  7. picked up my first cast swarm 5 days ago, very relaxing to watch, just gotta make up a few tbh and maybe a warre
  8. Not sure what thats got to do with it, but its even worse if you have a dog trying to lick your arse at the same time spat coffee over my keyboard
  9. this is for making mead, but it's all the same You can get a fairly accurate calculation of the alcohol content in your mead if you take two hydrometer readings of it. The first reading should be taken when the initial must is mixed. Just the honey and water mix, take the reading before you pitch any nutrients or yeast. And when the mead is completed and ready to drink you take a second hydrometer reading. The difference between the two measurements will give you a good indicator of how much alcohol is in it. This difference is a drop from the first reading to the second. Here i
  10. just out of interest, is that a "hornet" in your picture?
  11. buy from aldi's, 40p per bag compaired to £1 plus from most shops, mine took 6 bags to fill
  12. cant belive I posted on this post around 2yrs ago, and am only now getting into bee's, made myself a TBH nuc with 15 top bars, I like the idea of tbh and making from scrap timber, as if these get stolen from permissions you aint then lost ££££'s, and maybe get a national for the garden, have also started brewing 5 gallons on mead (another post on here)
  13. water and honey, plus yeast, 4 gallon of water and 15lb of honey, gives a total of 5 gallons [media=] [/media]
  14. MEAD!!!! having made a few bottles of sloe vodka, I thought I'd try something on a bigger scale, 5 gallons of mead, fingers crossed it ferments ok
  15. as an open forum, you cant put up a post ASKING for opinions, and only expect to get good replies in your favour, it goes both ways. if you don't want negative comments, don't post the questions
  16. until you apply and chat with your FAO, you'll get different opinions, my ticket states I can take any animal with my .22 rimfire, if in relation to pest control, apply for a 22 rimfire anyway, it'll do you much better on the rabbits anyway, if the foxes are few and far between when you visit, you dont want to be paying out loads on a rifle/ammo with as you say, family to support, why not just get someone already with fox experience to occassionally tag along for the foxes, leaving the rabbits to you, with your air rifle for now, and FAC later make sure you remove any shot foxes rather th
  17. there are other posts on homemade, rather than mix two posts here
  18. a home made job, cost me £52, and gives results as good as, have to admit I was toying with the idea of buying a ready made set up, in a nice padded box, but the fact that most people recomended having to buy extra bits to "tweak it" seemed crazy, thankfully I chose the homebrew option
  19. is this specific to Ireland, as in england there is no written law to say mags cant be loaded, seperate bag of course
  20. have deleted your other posts as required, although drawings are good, pictures or video is so much better
  21. make your own, its around £350 cheaper
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