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mad terrier

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Everything posted by mad terrier

  1. time to put the fishing rod away

  2. time to put the fishing rod away

  3. ive just changed over to 3mobile. i was getting screwed by o2 im pay. and go. my new deal is i top up 20 a month i get; 3000 free texts 3000 any network weekend minutes 3000 3 to 3 minutes unlimited internet is this a decent tariff? or is anyone on a better deal? im excluding uk mobs as you seem to get better deals than us anyway thanks lads
  4. anyone see a young lad get hit by a vehicle on the donington-northorpe rd lincs after 1pm on 25.9.11. i know its

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scothunter


      thats shocking mate.i really hope the lads ok.

    3. mad terrier

      mad terrier

      hes out of hospital now but he had concussion and he looks a [bANNED TEXT] mess

    4. scothunter


      speedy recovery to the lad.what a dirty low down thng to do.i suspect someone who had a drink possibly

  5. ive a bitch with white feet in my yard. ive seen a lot of litters with pups with white paws last couple of years
  6. how come i cant put advert to give a beastie away?

  7. how come i cant put advert to give a beastie away?

  8. how come i cant put advert to give a beastie away?

    1. Lab


      what kind of beastie?

    2. mad terrier

      mad terrier

      pony it would make a great lawnmower or dogfood


  9. how come i cant put advert to give a beastie away?

  10. how come i cant put advert to give a beastie away?

  11. how come i cant put advert to give a beastie away?

  12. taking an hour off to watch the royal dublin horse show.

  13. taking an hour off to watch the royal dublin horse show.

  14. I caught one of them many moons ago and its tail come of in my hand and continued to wriggle like a worm for about 5min's. the reason the tail wriggles like that is so that a predator is more interested in the tail and this allows the lizard to make its escape, the tail should grow back on the lizard, it is a defence mechanism, there is 3types of lizard native to the uk and eire, the sand lizard and the common lizard and the slow worm
  15. I'm not denying that, it's an excellent section. It's just I've noticed a huge increase in the fancy/fluffy/stupidity threads. i bred my blue micro ferret to my silver angora ferret...... will i get blue micro angora ferrets in the litter and what are they worth? can i get 200 a kit for them?
  16. Your a real hero!! Tell them to clear it up?? What a muppett your as bad as paedo and gypo scum that infest this country its a shame that we can't have an open season on twats like you The country would be a better place if all p***y/gypo/traveller scum would be culled along with the chav/benefit claiming "Im to ill to work" lazy scrounging northern scum i forgot how the english have no sense of community responsibility, where i am everyone knows everyone
  17. if you actually were ira it wouldnt be the smartest message to be sending ye
  18. no i do that for free, no need to thank me! your welcome another attention seeking desperate slapper on a hunting website. she is a hore who uses the net to sell herself lol mouse and james doyle you have no idea how pathetic you sound! and to come on a hunting forum and say that somebody with a family dying is good.and to call somebody a kunt who they have never met is not pathetic.stubid bitch they call them down our way. i think your twisting peoples words here, you are so busy up on your pedastal judgeing people you cant see the forest for the trees, your passi
  19. i guess i deal with most things myself, if theres a need to, if i saw someone stealing or causing damage to a neighbours property i would contact the neighbour, its up to them what they do about it. if i witness something in a pub/bar etc... its usually none of my business so i keep my nose out of it. in the case of a paedo, id give him a kicking before id ring the guards fly tipping, id tell them to clean it back up again.
  20. a pic would help, maybe its time you started looking up a couple of the "known" dog theives in the north, call in for a cuppa out of the blue, for a polite how do ya do and have a look in their kennels while ur at it
  21. what is it with this site, every1 seems to be at each others throats, what has any of this to do with hunting?

    1. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      couse it makes them hard behind a key bored lol you will get used to it i have bully boys hehe

  22. alright lads, im growing a beard. im gonna get greif for this from the lads so i cant ask the fuckers for advice! what is the handiest beard trimmer on the market? preferably cordless
  23. i kennel my terrier dog and bitch together, tried to split them but when i do the dog howls and the bitch refuses food. cant trust either to be kenneled with any other dog, only time i split them is when i work them and when shes in heat. the youngsters are kenneled seperate.
  24. what strange habits do y'all get up to?
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