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Everything posted by tomq

  1. personally i think albert j and the roscea club done a great jobthe raceing was well 0rgnised we enjoyed all thewhippet raceing great idea to have kc whippet and non reg or unped .if i wanted a unped i use artin tucdog .id rather watch whippets race than lurchers might as well go to shelbourne .
  2. we had a great day we raced in ped whippet and got second .it was wel run fair play to ye all.
  3. nice pics great to look back at wel done to the winners nice whippet
  4. nice bitch u got many whippets
  5. would height restriction work eg under 20 under 22 that type of thing .would not take long set up small profile so dogs could be stood under.or weight hang scales some big whippets their alright definitley not stanard for whippets .we raced in two races got second in both was wel pleased pity their wasn't something for second or third .was their anything in the shows for second or third.
  6. where are ye planning on basing it in the republic. pm send
  7. would their be anyone interest starting up raceing whippet club any ideas pm me
  8. would their be anyone interest in starting up whippet raceing club in southern ireland any idea pm me
  9. what ones would you recommend that have a good turnout for whippet racing in Ireland
  10. Tom, We always like feedback AND try to portray what is on accurately. What bit did you think was 'hyped up'. To put Ballywalter into perspective - when BASC cancelled their Fair here in late January/early February last year we had a little over two months to organise a one day Fair which went well. This year we moved it up to 2 days and increased all facets of it including competitions, attractions, stand nos etc. However it is difficult to grow a fair in just over a year and that is why we gave a FREE ticket to Shanes Castle, Ireland's Largest Game Fair and in effect gave vis
  11. had good dayover al we had 7 hrs round trip .went for the raceing we arived their at 10 o clock and it 6 before the raceing starte.it took second place to the showing in my opinion .iam sure it takes a lot of organising and fair play to ye al but wasent what it was hyped up to be.
  12. hello all, dont know the in and outs of the running of game fairs.where would i see last years pics of winners lurcher and whippet racing.as i got the picture of my young lad and the winning dog and have bought 101 copies of the country mans weekly and never saw the pictures inside :L but all and all i thought it was a great day and hope 2 be there this year thanks to all the organisers,have been goin to gamefairs the last 27 years and find birr to be good little to expensive espically when u have kids with you.
  13. I know theres not many whippet fans on here,but does anyone know the fastest line of pedigree whippets?
  14. its only gettin start was on 2 times but every month
  15. had lurchers al me life hav whippets past few yrs no differ got them in wales pure tough
  16. northern ireland,bellewstown co.meath,kildangan co,Meath. Other than that game fairs.mostly lurcher racing under 23s tts. would there be many interested to start up prober whippet racing,
  17. I have a young first cross whippet ghound he is 10 weeks old how do you lads find them to train are they a bidable cross I will put up pics later
  18. had a great day, done well came 1st at the whippet racing, bought a few long nets. [NO TEXT TALK] know where theres pics?
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