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About Foxjacker

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  1. ihave got to get use to pc all new to me sorry but will keep trying

  2. hi there fox jacker

  3. Going lamping, first outing this season <3

    1. bunnys


      walked out this savy still bone hard in places

  4. Helloo, my dog came second in the working class at detling in march, my details were taken and they said my dog had qualified for a show in derbyshire in august is it the earth dog and running dog?, how do i know if my dog has qualified?, will i recieve a letter?
  5. Helloo, my dog came second in the working class at detling in march, my details were taken and they said my dog had qualified for a show in derbyshire in august, how do i know if my dog has qualified?, will i recieve a letter?
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