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Daz 7

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Everything posted by Daz 7

  1. Cracking Pics Skot, And You have now Mastered the Pose Your training is now complete My young Jedi atvb Daz 7 "Yoda Pose Master"
  2. Love the POSE Skot mate , My HW100 KT has not been touched, Must stop Using Beasty all the time and get out with the German. atvb Daz 7.
  3. doesn't matter with the .25 cal but with Maggies i mainly chest shoot them.
  4. My Italian Buddy the Benelli M2 12 gauge is just the job and with a better chance of finding ammo unlike a C/F or even a Rimmy More people shoot shotties than any other powder burner, Plus if it did Happen a Little bit of hacksaw action to shorten the barrel length and increase spread of shot at close range failing that a good base ball bat with some nails in also works atvb Daz 7.
  5. Ideally the 4 - 14 x 44 as i don't require illuminated Rets but with the B20 reticule which you can now get in that scope size. atvb Daz 7.
  6. Cheers Lads, I bet their a Challenging target Mink, Can't see the little buggers Staying still for long, Fast accurate precision shooting required on these Vermin !!!! Rats area all time Favourite Vermin species love to shoot them. Hope your fine Simon, and see You at the Meet bud.
  7. good shooting and a nice Rig as well bud.
  8. Happy 21st Birthday Young Man
  9. Back on the Bandits now as i've Killed 13 Nutkins this year and the rest are keeping a low profile for a while
  10. Looks like a Pimped wolf liked the stock of the 303 not the wolf one as Adam said C/F or close range magnum shottie for Mr Charles, i used to shoot them with My grandads Lee enfield 303 bolt action or His side by side with magnum shells. atvb Daz 7.
  11. very nice Mac, Love the Tactical look, Will paint the Beasty when the stock gets alot more scratches and dings in it first atvb Daz 7
  12. These unlucky pair made the mistake and try abit of Mischief in the wrong Garden TTR 1 .25 cal Beasty soon taught them a lesson though. atvb Daz 7
  13. Nice MK 1 bud and a nice Pooch as well
  14. Yep, after seeing our scores at the weekend they must be running for the hills... NOT! Ahhh but we've got a secret weapon just get them Pissed around the camp fire and Send Davy and Pianoman as our first starters Because they shoot superb with the odd ale inside them and it will give us chance to sober up, But more importantly let the Phantom turret twister loose before the Comp
  15. Modern Times Skot, Male or Female doing the Pose doesn't matter as long as it's a Dead Nutkins
  16. Nice shooting bud, And a cracking bag as well Couldn't get on with the nightsite Myself so got an N550 as its like a scope. atvb Daz 7
  17. Not as many as You bud 12 in 30mins Mine is 3 in 5hrs !!!!!!! This is only the 13th Nutkins this year for Me . atvb Daz 7.
  18. Only thing i've not tried with the .25 cal sub 12 ft/lbs is a Heart shot on a tree Rat, Tried it with the old MK 2 in 177 cal but it was a pass through at 25 yards and the fecker ran off a further 25 yards before tumbling out of the tree dead. So from then on it was always head shots with the small cal's But with this TTR 1, I had the chance to see what the result would be at the same distance of 25 yards, Except when the .25 cal hit the Nutkins it dropped Him like a Brick no twitch or anything Hit Him in the shoulder and the pellet had gone through the chest but hadn'
  19. Good shooting Mac, I see this is Your Favourite Rifle the Raider. Mines the TTR 1 .25 cal Beasty, But the HW100 KT .22 cal is not a bad back up gun either. atvb Daz 7.
  20. Enjoyable read bud , My Grandad taught Me many many years ago as a Boy growing up in the the Valleys of South Wales, Using Springer Rifles, and centre fire and side by side shotguns. I was lucky He worked for the forestry commission and did most of the Pest control for the local tenants on the forestry's Land, His Field craft and Skill at moving silently to stalk His quarry always amazed Me, and What a shot He was , Wish i was half as good as Him. His Dad taught Him everything that he was trying to pass on to Me, Honed with being a Sniper in WW 2, and a country Gent, I will always
  21. Nearly at the 'Pose' Mick, But needs to be against the Gun stock for Maximum Pose a bility of the Nutkins Model
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