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Daz 7

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Everything posted by Daz 7

  1. Don't think the Grand Prix had a safety ?
  2. Where's the PINK CAMO Darryl bud still a Cracking pick up bud. atvb Daz 7.
  3. Sounds like an early Sirrocco like Mine, safety pull switch in front of trigger guard, Long Anschutz barrel with barrel weight on end, The smaller Gas ram inside not the H.E. Ram which is in the EVO's and is harsher to fire, And a bit of a scope wrecker. Mine is a 1985 .22 model which just gives a nice quick jolt and away the pellet is launched. atvb Daz 7.
  4. Very nice Steve My HFT shooting buddy atvb Daz 7.
  5. Very Nice indeed Simon Was it also an Excuse for You to have a Shoot with the Huntsman as well as i know You like this Pretty little Rifle as well I shall be hopefully be competing in the Comps next year with a Grand Old Boy the Theoben Sirrocco 1985 vintage left hand totally Standard and unmolested .22 cal Recoiler as i don't think My Hunting Rig the TTR 1 .25 cal Killing machine was meant for target shooting, Especially with the 25.4 gr pellets in sub 12 ft/lbs atvb Daz 7.
  6. Well done our Northern Monkey Jock Mac Chaz and all the Lads and Lasses who made a Superb meet
  7. Nice one Elliott You Stuffy bugger
  8. I've got a Box of Defiant 4.50 head size, 7.5 gr weight, Don't know if their the ones your on about Chaz ?. Also 2 boxes of Original Crossman Premiers 7.9 gr weight. All pellets come in small card board boxes. And all are Southern Monkey Girlie .177 cal atvb Daz 7.
  9. Someone Delete Adam AR177 off the List has He can't make the Meet this Time.
  10. huh. rapid =1 hw100? =2 shotgun=3 ?? just need to christen the butt of this rifle with some nutkins head blood in true daz7 nutkins modelling style now don't I lol The Shottie don't count Not an Air Rifle but an out an out Killing Machine that's Fecking amazing !!!!!! Do love a good Semi Auto
  11. You copying Me again Skot I was one of the first to have the New style stock but in Man cal not the Pinkie cal , 3 guns You Greedy Git 2 Gun Daz for Me as i'm Poor atvb Daz 7.
  12. JSB or AA Field are the preferred Pellet choice in the .25 Beasty. both 25.4 gr and look exactly the same to Me but normally AA field which JSB make on their behalf are made of a slightly softer lead mix but both shoot the same up to My max 55 yards .
  13. Yep and i'm even more impressed with the Damage a .25 at 25.4 gr does How anout your Italian friend Mr Benelli Daz, he's a bit of a brute isn't he? I know my German pal Mr Anschutz doesn't take any prisioners! Yes bud the Benelli is a Monster especially with the 3 inch Magnum cartridges something like 50 gr with 00 buckshot or size 1
  14. Yep and i'm even more impressed with the Damage a .25 at 25.4 gr does
  15. Almost forgot love Your New nametag " Super Noodler"
  16. Well done "Jedi Posemaster" I've chest shot a Woodie with the .22 and .25 same result both dead, But more of a Wallop noise with the .25 Where as with the .177 i wasn't confident and only head shot them. good result though Skot bud
  17. What's the FX like for lefty shooters don't fancy resting My cheek on the cocking lever
  18. But the .177 wouldnt have dropped that much so it would have passed throught the brain instead of the neck!I do think .22 is best for hunting. Although i havent tried a housebrick (.25) slinger yet lol What I meant was if you shot a rabbit with .177 in the neck it more than likely do a runner50:50 i think.Should have seen the damage the .22 did. All its neck puffed up full of blood The .25 cal 25.4 gr would have given Roger Rabbit a Bigger Slap
  19. Polish Moonshine that tasted like Crap Mick
  20. Better Pics Kindly taken by one of the Mods on the Theoben Rapid forum The Best Forum for Rapid and now Impact guns information atvb Daz 7.
  21. My Rapid TTR 1 in .25 cal & HW100 TK in .22 cal , But do like the FX Bobcat
  22. Nice Bullpup Adam, And welcome to the Rare gun and Calibre Owners club Think Mine is the only sub 12 ft/lbs .25 cal TTR 1 in UK . atvb Daz 7.
  23. Ive shot a 303 .. god damn those things are beasts! not sure what hurts more being shot by one or shooting one!...solid metal butt plate Learnt to shoot the Lee enfield 303 when i was 12 yrs old, Loved the Kick of the Old boy, But Preferred the SLR as My all time Powder burner just loved that Beasty.
  24. Top Lad is Chaz aka "Twisted Fire Starter" Superb Bloke for a Southern Monkey , Just keep Him near fires and He's a happy Chap, And a superb Marksman as well. atvb Daz 7.
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