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Daz 7

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Everything posted by Daz 7

  1. Unlucky Gary Bud, That NV Kill Cam looks hard as Fook to do Mate, Just getting to grips with Daylight Kill Cam shooting think i'll leave NV Scope cam till i get alot better Regards Daz.
  2. Cheers Tony Bud, Getting to grips now with this scopecam Addiction !!!!!! Long way to go yet though Bud to get up to the Other Lad's Standard, But happy with the Progress.
  3. Forgot to unlock private should work now
  4. Here you are Bill Bud, My Rig.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOZcgkm4T5U Third Kill Cam With Mr Nutkins, But First with the Sony DCR SR 33e, This is the first Kill Cam i've managed to do with the new set up. Nutkins was only 25 yards and My Falcon scope was on 12x Mag as that's what i shoot on. Shot right side of head and exited through left side eye . Group Pic ~ Gore Pic ~ regards Daz
  6. Good Shooting Bud, Love the Number presentation " 5 " . regards Daz
  7. Good shooting Darryl, I can Sympathize with Gary as Scope cam is a hellava lot harder to do compared with scope shooting, and if the cam was moving with the Wind When i was out shooting only got 2 compared with my shooting Buddy who got 8 as he didn't have to Faff with the Cam. regards Daz
  8. Get the Best of both worlds and be Greedy , Get both if fund's permit a Springer & PCP or the best of your chosen path be it Springer or PCP. regards Daz
  9. A Man of many Talent's Simon, Superb art work Sir, Always love paintings of the Older RAF Planes Especially painting's of Spitfires have to be My Favourite . regards Daz
  10. Happy Birthday Good Sir, All the Best on another year Older and Wiser
  11. When i was out with the shottie yesterday a Cock Pheasant strode right up to me about 6 feet as i was crouched next to a feeder trying to keep Dry, No fear what so ever had to chase it away as it wouldn't stop calling as it wanted it's free grain from the feeder, not allowed to shoot them as i'm only on that permission to control the Woodies & feral pigeon's, The farmer charges a fortune to syndicates to shoot the Pheasants but it's not really sporting to Me as their really tame with no fear of Humans. regards Daz
  12. Good shooting Bud, Also a cracking Picture of the Roe Deer. regards Daz
  13. Nice one Ryan Bud, then it's return of the UTube Vid's :thumbs:
  14. Rhys will be selling his one off his MPR soon to you though Ryan Bud
  15. Cheers Bill, You will have to get a Vid up of your JB Special Bud, would like to see how it compares to the standard SE of your Mates
  16. You Know Me so well Darryl Bud , Tell Wor Kid to put a bid in for that MK 1 you know it makes sense. regards Daz.
  17. I know Bud, Horrible around here as well, Didn't think it was the cleverest move of Mine going out in this weather, Certainly wouldn't take the Rapid out in them Winds Tony , I'd be aiming 2 Milldots off all the time!!!!!! :icon_eek:
  18. I know but didn't fancy Mooching in the Rain , Brilliant having a back up Shottie for the Crap weather . Glad your back Tony Bud
  19. Went out in the Horrible Rain when i really should have stayed in My nice warm house , Hardly anything out all taking cover from the rain, But managed 2 from a Flight of woodies that weren't quick enough spotting Me in cover. regards Daz.
  20. Look on Utube Bud for "Hunters Vermin" Vids he shows you how to make a decent set and where to buy Materials from. regards Daz.
  21. Nutshot on My Rapid Ryan ...... Even Quieter Bud !!!!!!!!
  22. I agree with Simon, Get a bid in for it Gary, The Rapid is the HW 77 of the PCP World Solid workman Design that has stayed Basically the same for 20 years Extremely Accurate and can take the field work Abuse and Punishment that Hunters give it and can be repaired easy enough and Tuned to Perfection if thats what your into, Mine is a Box standard Factory Spec MK 2, The only Difference to that MK 1 is there's a Regulator and Different stock, the new MK 4 Trigger Mechanism which is a Beaut compared to the other MK'S, Which was the only let-down on the earlier Rapid's, also Quickfill and My
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