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Daz 7

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Everything posted by Daz 7

  1. definately agree there!! I use nothing else now, except in my prosport where after today it now gets fed Falcon Accuracy Darryl Try Accupells as well Darryl Bud Mine also likes Falcon Accuracy as well but h & n and Li's, JSB Exact jumbo seem to be to tight a fit, and it hates RWS Superfields which are really tight in the barrel as well, The smaller skirt size of the falcon and Accupells suits my pro sport. atvb Daz 7.
  2. Sorry to hear of Your Trouble Chris If the guilty party hasn't come on to defend His self then in My book He's in the wrong by leading another Member down the Garden path obviously with no conscious of His wrong doing either But well done in bringing a Legend back to Her former Glory. atvb Daz 7,
  3. Thank You Simon Our "Yoda Spring Rifle Master" atvb Daz 7.
  4. Still only the Rapid for Me Simon Me Pal But i have to admit you do like pretty rifles :wub: the Rapids one Air Rifle that's never let Me down and it still it edges the Pro sport when i reach for a rifle Don't get me wrong the prosport is the most stunning spring gun ever in looks and a Damn accurate rifle to boot, but for a jack of all trades the Rapid is the Dude for Me, Long range Killer, NV Shooter, H F T & Target plinker it does every job impeccably and will out shoot Me every time and also built like a Tank. I like to compare the Rapid MK 2 to a Very well known powder burner, th
  5. That's why My shooting Avatar is a Lefty Shooter as well :yes: atvb Daz 7
  6. hi PM daz7 http://www.thehuntin...er/52570-daz-7/ No Davy bud it's a Left hand Air arms Prosport stock i'm after bud For that right hand only Prosport :angry2: , Don't have a R10, Rapid all the way for Me in PCP's Mate atvb Daz 7.
  7. And that Sir Stealthy is the way i like it, No last minute movements to cause wounding just instant lights out :laugh: atvb Daz 7.
  8. Cheers Dave Mate Hope Your Fit and well now bud, And hoping to see more of your hunting vids . atvb Daz 7.
  9. thats what i did davy,i went in when i wanted and paid what i wanted untill it was paid theres no presure from the shop owners sorted,no added extras.... atb symon there you go then i have thought about this myself,for a fun gun http://www.umarex.co....00.40&deptid=1 i think this will be fun to shoot,but i am holding on for now until the week end,you never know something might come my way earlier ? Use to have one of them Davy All i would say is get loads of spare Mags as you'll be letting Rip like Clint Eastwood on them tin cans and targets. :yes:
  10. Well done Sir Stealthy , Them guts look like something out of Aliens :laugh: . atvb Daz 7.
  11. It's Calling You My Young Apprentice :laugh: Listen to the Silky Seductress 'RAPID, RAPID,RAPID" You know it makes Sense :tongue2: :laugh:
  12. Cheers Davy bud , Has Si would Say ~" Clinical" atvb Daz 7.
  13. I third it , Keep your Gaystate away. S410 if you can't afford a Rapid :wub: atvb Daz 7.
  14. Good Shooting Billy bud My All time favourite Vermin Species, Miss not having a Rat Permission. atvb Daz 7.
  15. I agree with You on that Mawders Mate, Especially the bigger and slower Cal's .25 & .22 in sub 12 ft lbs. atvb Daz 7.
  16. Cheers Tony bud, Like You i don't shoot many Tree Rats this is only My 3rd this Year :no: But the Magpie's more than make up for that :) atvb Daz 7.
  17. Cheers Billy bud Prefer to smash the Magpies though. atvb Daz 7.
  18. Cheers Adam bud Only put the Falcon Menace back on as i was going to the Ranges !!!, Would have been interesting shooting Him in Day mode with the N550 atvb Daz 7.
  19. Cheers Risingfriend I'm working away again in September :no: atvb Daz 7.
  20. Cheers Mick bud for the Kind reply. atvb Daz 7.
  21. Cheers 77si & Roger , I'm back till the 16th of September then i'm working away down south again in Essex :o Near the Army "Jankers" in Colchester , So i'm gonna be out of Practice again :angry2: atvb Daz 7.
  22. Don't get a Pretty Boy Gun, Get a Man gun instead the all Conquering Rapid MK 2 in any Cal it won't let You Down. atvb Daz 7.
  23. Cheers Craig bud, Normally do a scopecam shot but tried it off the Cam Tripod instead, Nice and clear. atvb Daz 7.
  24. Not done a shooting vid in over 2 month's due to working away and playing with My New toy The N550 Pulsar. :icon_redface: Was going to the ranges today and checking Zero out with the Falcon back on, Also wanted to finish off the zero on the Pro- sport, Has its zeroed out to 55 yards only at present and wanted to take it out to 70 yards max. :) But it was Pissing down and as My range is an outdoor one i thought sod that i'm not getting wet will leave it till next week. Spotted Mr Tufty Tree rat trying to build a Drey in My Tree, Thought i'm not having that so when the rain stopped
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