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Daz 7

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Everything posted by Daz 7

  1. Hope it's not first week of June as i won't make it
  2. i Shoot .177, .22, .25 and have never had any problems with either Cal, Brought up with .22 Springers and only started Using .177 Cal about 2 yr ago, but You deffo have to hit the mark more accurately with the small cal which is only a good thing to being a better shot. just started Using the .25 Cal and for Ultimate Kinetic energy delivery it's awesome, Wipes the floor with .22 Cal and .20 :laugh: atvb Daz 7.
  3. Say know more as Simon has said I'd still go back, join up and go through whatever comes, if I was a young man again. As most of us Ex - Servicemen and Women would do if the country needs Us we'll be there ,We Maybe Old and Fecked But Duty never Fades. atvb Daz 7.
  4. Well done Darryl Mucca, Top shooting on the Free Stander bud, Can't wait for the Vid atvb Daz 7.
  5. Once a Turd always a Turd Even looks Horrible tell Him to club the Vermin with it instead :laugh: atvb Daz 7.
  6. Very touching Si Hope all our Boys and Girls Protecting our Freedom Stay Safe and sound, Till they can be reunited with their Family's and Loved ones from the Darkest Places they Endure for our Freedom. God Bless them all........ atvb Daz 7.
  7. Good to have Team "Howay Man Wor Kid" back in the Saddle Excellent to have Gary and Darryl our Geordie shooting Brethren back out shooting atvb Daz 7.
  8. Naw just send their alter ego's Si Pittabread & Wavy T :laugh: That would be Comedy Value. atvb Daz 7
  9. I'd love that, My idea of Rat Utopia as many as i could kill with My Big Boy TTR 1 .Cal and the Pulsar N550 :wub: atvb Daz 7
  10. Doesn't matter what Cal I shoot .177 out of the Invincible Rapid MK 2 But in Springers i only shoot .22 Cal as that's all i ever shot, But i Also shoot the Daddy Cal .25 with the Big Boy TTR 1 but .20 Cal naw that's gotta be the Fanny Cal :laugh:
  11. [quote name= ' timestamp='1354051352' post='2920131] Has anyone actually USED the FUD Decoys? Any good?? Work well for Pigeon shooting the pigeon fud decoys as long as You put enough of them out and forget about patterns that's a load of Crap, When the Shottie lads i sometimes shoot with they just put them out in no particular pattern . So i imagine should work with corvids especially if you can add to the pattern with dead corvids as well, just make sure Your well Camouflaged as they'll spot You and warn their Brethren of the Danger.
  12. Did "Shameless" Pil turn up in His Tennis Gear :laugh:
  13. As Davy Say's, Early morning unless You have a SGC Licence then i find it's best just before it gets Dark and Smack them as they're flighting to their Roosts which i find is Superb Fun with My Benelli M2 12 gauge Semi Auto Shotgun :yes: atvb Daz 7.
  14. Happy Birthday Si, Your Still a Whipper Snapper to Me atvb Daz 7.
  15. Is it in Pink :laugh: for Gaystate Owners
  16. 10 to 15 mins as target shooting bores Me start making up things to shoot golf balls, coins,things that go bang that's why i don't shoot FT or HFT, But like the Forum HFT as that's a Laugh and no Target Plonkers turning up with their Pink Target guns and Pink Gloves atvb Daz 7.
  17. Ewwwww NO ~ :bad: BSA. That My good man Mr Grayling is a Theoben Tactical Rapid MK 1 in .25 Cal atvb Daz 7.
  18. That i'm not Sure about but with the lightest .25 cal pellets at 19.91 gr weight I can hit spinners out to 55 yards and even 60 yrds but not sure how far i can push this set up Yet, as it's all trial and error at the Moment as it's My first sub 12 ft/lbs .25 cal Air Rifle. atvb Daz 7.
  19. With .177 Cal head shot only for Me but with the Big Boy .25 Cal and at 19.91 gr weight ~ head, Spine, Heart, it Doesn't Matter their Dead Period :laugh: atvb Daz 7.
  20. Was going to the Club and have abit of range time with the TTR 1 and My shooting Buddy R10Rob. But since it was blowing a gale and He shoot's a R10 .177 cal which needed zeroing with the new weaver rail fitted We put it off till next week Spotted this Bandit in the tree, Didn't have time to set up the Cam, so aimed for a nice heart shot side on as it was to blowey for a head shot. Smacked Him down like a brick, shot had still passed through but dumped most of the Kinetic energy into the Bandit. atvb Daz 7. Group photo 1 group photo 2 a Darryl shot Close up of one l
  21. Cheers Davy bud Loved that Piss take of Pil funny as Feck :laugh:
  22. Man Gun Andy don't need it to be Pretty just Deadly See You there bud
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