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Everything posted by MOUSE TRAP

  1. you learn by your mistakes mate dog never tackeld it it wasent bit so realy no harm done just need to be more carefull good luck with the future mate
  2. just in only seen 2 set o eyes 2 far out dog never even got a slip worst night in a long time
  3. i was working my jacks to rats about 5 mounth old along with experians dog by 6 mounth old the were killin any thing with a heart beat they are now between 11 and 14 years old and still love it
  4. just in left about half 8 20 min drive back at car about midnight recon we covered about 8 mile good night all the same plenty runs plenty rabbit .
  5. hi mate 1 o ma dogs used to bring back to hand then went out with a mate with 1 of his dogs after catching 1 she would bring in to about 20 feet when you walked to her she would run another 20 feet then started rippin it to bits think it was because of other dog being there now i just let her kill it walk away and she comes to me
  6. you no what its like mate cant teach an old dog new ground ha ha
  7. the dog wants to give it a ride but the deer is shitting itsef
  8. i bought a 10 disc box set dvds of ebay and 1 of them was all about calling fox
  9. cheers for tip mate i will go try it see what she does the only time she limps is if she has a run dont matter if its out in the feild on game or down the shore just running around she is normaly like that for a day then back to normal allthough she is not limping she will not let you bend the wrist still never any swelling that i can notice its puzzeling me between vets and greyhound specialists they have checked her over and dont see anything wrong vet gave medicam told me to rest her for a couple of weeks the gh man said just run her once a week then build it up slowly.
  10. sittin here wide awake but cant see this fog going anywhere soon anyone else way thick fog f...ing up your night
  11. have you looked at the ucaller they are just like the striker and every bit as good and a fraction o the price mate
  12. i would go for the 14amp belt pack or the lithium 14amp there is hardly any weight in it they will both last all night with a full charge
  13. not one to tell you what to do,i would just get a saluki cross,rather than breed your own,as at 23tts its dosnt sound right for a deerhound,so who's going to want your pups,say she has 8 pups have you got room for them all?try a poll who wants a cross of this type your thinking of breeding? i have a saluki grey mate sorry a missed a bit she is deer h grey x border grey back to berdie grey so not alot of deer h in her my mistake.
  14. sorry pressed wrog button looking for a bit more gears
  15. was wondering what you lads and lassies think got deer h border collie grey h x berdie grey 23tts i thought of putting saluki grey back over
  16. cheers pal will look in to that as i said the grey hound man gave me this blue gel to rub her with i also have radiol m-r muscle embrocation that i usei i rested her up for a month the back door was as far as she got then he told me to give her a run but only once a week and build it up slowly from there which has prob not helped her case cheers for the info think i will just keep her off the rest o the season thanks rab.
  17. just wondered if any one has had this problem run my dog about 8weeks ago now she was on to a big rabbit on lamp it took her down a ditch with about a 2and a half to 3 foot drop the prey came back up and my yong pup nabbed it i recon for about 30 sec then droped it just then the other dog appered back up and went on to catch.and coursed another 1 on way back home no sign of being lame could hardly stand next morning took to vet got medicam they checked her over no breaks finished bottle still no let you bend the wrist another bottle medicam still the same took to greyhound man he checked her
  18. Haha excellent mate! a bonus rabbit! - everybody like's one of those the story goes on about that big rabbit mate but yes was a unexpected 1 happy days or nights.
  19. just back in from walk way terriers and lurchers was going my usual road walk when after about a mile decided to cut back over the fields to give the dogs a run around to busy watching the terriers as there is a fox set up 1 of the hedge rows turned to see where the lurchers were no sign of them after a couple o mins 1 of them was back panting thought they were just chasing each other then the other 1 appeared with a big rabbit who needs a lamp ha ha happy hunting.
  20. i have the same prob with my russells mate more so in winter allthough they have heat lamps think they do it for the heat
  21. i had a collie x lab but looked just like a black collie build height etc.took rabbit regular on lamp and during the day most loyal dog i ever had only lost her last year rip 17 year old still catching bunnies at 12/13 year old took feather and had the odd big ear on lamp only wish i had took a pup of her
  22. i run deerhound collie grey back to berrdie grey 23 tts and she dont miss many in small areas
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