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Everything posted by troter58

  1. cheers lads wrong un you pip
  2. i only come on to play with the report button i thought thats what every one did
  3. just been out with mine nice and cool dog sorted i like the dark
  4. this man got around of applause at a dog show yesterday for saving a dog when no one else noticed it was struggling in the heat well done mate
  5. they all blow if pushed to hard give me any dog dont matter the breeding i promisse ill blow it out its knowing when your dogs spent and saving it for another day
  6. crabbing b---tards thats a young dog being ran out of its depth shame on you all if thats how you get off putting a dog on here to slag off crack on dog men i have shit em get out and walk your own dogs ffs
  7. no need for a lead if the dogs trained right mine walks by my side and waits for the hiss and goes up the beam cant be doing with a dog pulling and choking its self just down to a lazy owners not putting the time in to the dog
  8. my dicks bigger than your dick comp get real lads get out work your dogs be happy if your dog puts bunnies in the bag result what have you got to prove nothing enjoy your dogs ffs plus its summer time now so lets see how many want it in winter not to many me thinks
  9. Normal service will be resumed shortly.... Now who is next On a more serious note; personally, I think we do need a clearout of cockheads.... don't say you weren't warned when you going matt About ten seconds after I've banned you and your little clique.... My mission is to get rid of text talk at the moment; it's amazing how some folks just don't get it...... Loving the banter boys and girls, keep it up my clique its pip1968 ban him matt
  10. Normal service will be resumed shortly.... Now who is next On a more serious note; personally, I think we do need a clearout of cockheads.... don't say you weren't warned when you going matt
  11. come on get it locked matt the rat
  12. how many you go through last season between you floyd get a pup brought on buying other peoples shite thought you would have learned that by now
  13. me and pip68 see some nice waders when we have a walk out by him we spend more time watching the birds seen a barn owl out just before dark it was hunting as it had a kill great to see not seen one for a good while i enjoy wildlife and loved egging when i was a kid dont see many skylarks about now a days there was loads by me but none now enjoy it while there here atb
  14. come see a good one work were this dog runs you close your eyes and pray but never had any problems feet or any thing dogs adapt to land there worked on mate when i run him on good land he makes the job look easy
  15. i run a little rabbit dog on that sort of land he does well on it catches well 22tts he is 3/4 whippet beddy you can come see him work give you a idea of what your looking for good full on dog works the lamp well to.
  16. less of the (chins) lol , ive lost weight not eating like norm. Glad you feeling better Si . whats your weight now ray hope you start feeling better soon speak soon mate
  17. dogs jacked on ya if it was doing it last season why not now short grass long grass makes no differents unless its took a knock but should still be giving it go on the rabbits for you or its no heart for the job in hand hope it turns it round for you but i think its thrown the towel in. atb
  18. new land take the dog a few days to work it out proper bet it starts stopping them if you give it the time on there soon adapt to different running new dogs not the way i go yet
  19. hes going to have folded ears not dropped cracking photo bonny pup atb
  20. no harm giving the dog a run or two keep it ticking over and any one say they dont your lying
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