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About lampingkid

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 02/06/1996

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  • Interests
    ferreting,lamping,shooting,bit of fishing,net makeing.motocross

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  1. The one, iv tried to get on there site but cannie seem to get it could you a link thanks
  2. Nah never noticed I put it in the wrong section and nah the rest of the pictures never loaded that's for who pit the wide coments
  3. Here's a few pics of my bull x and whippet x not been out for a while but starting to get fit again
  4. Bit far to travel mate for ferrets I'm sure there will be someone a bit closer to me thanks though
  5. Not Benn on this for a couple of years iv had ferrets all my life and worked them all my life but my ferrets died while ago and iv been lookin for some for ages but cant seem to find any. If anyone who's got some or knows anyone who has any for sale could you get back to me I'm in Scotland Edinburgh area atb
  6. awryt pal im interested in buying one mate
  7. not been on this for a wee while heres a few recent pics of my 3/8 5/8 bull grey what you guys think ?
  8. nice myt palls got the litter sister of shes heaver mines in the kennel so hes lost a bit of weight so
  9. well if ye see him in reall he has still got bit hope he makes 25 if not no prob and thanks trunk have ye got a pic of yours pal
  10. i have a 7 and a half month old 3/8 5/8 bull hes 24 and a half tts still got bit of knuckle left so i think he stop gettin taller at around 12month but will still fill out till 18 month
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