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Everything posted by shushycatcher

  1. i wouldnt want to meet the ferret that shit that :icon_eek:
  2. Not a bad little show this,some tidy dogs there today.
  3. Just watch "Snatch" a few times, and you can have "The Hard Cockney Accent" or "The Iriash Traveller Accent, (as spoken by a billionaire American actor)" !! LOL !! No need for school or further education. Cheers. aye,no need for school,i can read the weighbridge and count money,thats enough for me mate!!
  4. i want to learn it cos i never went to school!
  5. anyone been before or going to this show today?
  6. i,m sure i seen you at selby with your bitch mate wasnt at selby mate,my bitch won at lambourne last year,she bull whip grey x saluki grey i think you put a pic up of her once thinking she was paul roberts red bitch. yes mate you correct any luck finding the dog a home yet mate?
  7. i,m sure i seen you at selby with your bitch mate i wasnt at selby mate,my bitch won at lambourne last year,she is bull whip grey x saluki grey
  8. i,m sure i seen you at selby with your bitch mate wasnt at selby mate,my bitch won at lambourne last year,she bull whip grey x saluki grey i think you put a pic up of her once thinking she was paul roberts red bitch.
  9. i wasnt having a dig pal,i was just saying its hard to find people you can trust! Anywhere,.
  10. well they dont do enough then how do you work that out then? So because your dog pulls up at the hedge it does more than mine?
  11. good luk with finding someone you can trust mate!
  12. black dog trading leather slips!
  13. if its a dog call it boy,if its a bitch,call it girl! simples
  14. prey drive- wants to kill hardness=wants to kill and will kill wether or not it gets bit :vava: gameness=doesnt give a f**k about killing,just wants t o be there and get bit!!!!!! atb shushy
  15. i woud be interested in rehoming the red dog mate,i wouldnt need to work him as have two already but would want to use him as a stud for my bitch,you would be welcome to a pup from them,pm me if interested bud,he would have a good home here
  16. i cant see why the farmer would move his stock back and for everyday!
  17. cant get link to work!!!!!!!!!!! But the song is Rodney Carrington,Todays the day my wife met my girlfriend! If anyone can get it off you tube,cheers.
  18. thats class,how do you get the stuff off you tube on here?
  19. all my big pike have been caught with smelt,cracking bait!
  20. why would you go live on national tv and tell everyone you have genital warts!!!!! what the feck was he thinking! And the fishy woman,they would make a great pair!
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