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Everything posted by lurchermad

  1. hahah if only it was that easy snoopdog....
  2. get out of it power contravationst!! sounds like scent lamping.....did u learn off of him??? SOMEONE HAS TO KEEP A TIGHT REIGN ON YE YAHOOS!!!!!
  3. u kept that one quite earlier sionnach!!! congrats.....
  4. i reckon if he aint doin it at 18 mths he will never be a class dog...... but may become a decent one..... and theres lots of them around.. just look in the buy and sell, all the lads sellin em tell ya the class acts but they have no room for him!!! pull the other one...
  5. sounds like scent lamping.....did u learn off of him???
  6. hey slip.....wasnt that lurcher called scrounger and not busher...... thats the same day u nearly drown him trying for him to get more fish!!
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