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Maximus Ferret

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Everything posted by Maximus Ferret

  1. I know what you're saying but a lot depends on the ground you're running and if it's been lamped much before. The ground I run is mostly short grazed grass - very fast going. If the dog's not fast enough the rabbits straight line it and dive straight into ground without ever turning.
  2. Try this link http://www.thehuntin...__fromsearch__1 There are loads of threads on Minshaws. Use the advanced search (click on the little cog symbol on the right of the search box, then type in minshaws and click on "search titles only" and search away). It's years since Minshaw ran these dogs and it seems that the strains left now vary a lot depending on who has them and how much they test them before breeding off them.
  3. That's very true Paulus but we've already come a long way since the first outbreaks when 99 out of a 100 rabbits died. I was born in 1956 and during the early 60's there were virtually no rabbits anywhere. They already have a partial immunity among a percentage of the population. They may not pass it on to every kit they breed but you can bet that immune parents do breed a higher proportion of immune offspring. I believe so anyway.
  4. When any of my places get hit with myxy I stop killing any of them. Think of this. If one rabbit in ten survives the disease then this is the rabbit that will breed more partially immune stock. If you've killed all ten then you've killed your immune breeding stock. When a place gets hit every year then usually enough survive to breed back up but in a place that hasn't seen myxy for a few years the immune genes become rarer and when it does hit it kills far more. A couple of my spots have had myxy this year and already rabbits have recovered and bred back a bit. Once the winter sets in the dis
  5. Do you prefer lamping on your own, in a pair, or with a group of mates? I know which I like as it drives me mad to hear people stumbling around tripping over things, rattling gates, shining light to get through hedges, talking etc etc. If you like going mob handed can you say why? I'm not knocking it, each to his own, just curious.
  6. Whin, when you're out having a drink, do you find people often try to punch you? Seriously though I know what you're getting at. I don't get the group lamping thing myself. I much prefer to be out on my own, or with one other person at the most, to slip turn and turn about.
  7. Well done lads. Just out of interest (and to annoy Whin) how many runs would you say it took to get the 20 educated/lampshy rabbits?
  8. :D Those are meant for sled dogs but there are lighter weight versions which can be useful if your dog has a cut foot and you want to walk him without getting it dirty.
  9. think your telling porkys about feeding your dog dry mix with a higher % protein than 55 because the food what this topic is on about isnt a food its a mixer to mix a cup full to a bowl of food, you cant get a dry mix what has over 55% protein in it.which dry mix is it that has that much protein?? Orijen does ;- http://www.orijen.ie...ijen_adult.html but as has already been said, fresh meat is streets better. Mine get chicken necks from the chicken factory most of the time. A 10 kilo frozen box costs me 3 euro and I hack it into 7 or 8 lumps and bag them into the freezer. If you try mea
  10. This Hancock topic is boring. It comes up time and time again and anything that can be said already has been.
  11. Good luck with this. I hope your stock gets established.
  12. How did you get on moving them? Did you manage OK?
  13. I think they need to be boxed separately after you've netted them to keep them from fighting and from jumping around and damaging themselves. It's not as easy as moving rabbits but well worth doing if you can do it.
  14. The one I have now is like that. I've seen one or two that would run and hide with you but never seen one hide on it's own. I wouldn't rule it out though. Some lurchers do become very suspicious of strangers but it'd probably be more to do with the dogs nature than training.
  15. Nice one Whin. That public land sounds good. Can you run deer legally anywhere in the US?
  16. just because you'v been in the game the longest doesnt mean you kno more than others.... ill shine a clulite in your eyes from 50 yards away and then a 240 blitz im sure you will get further with the clulite in your eyes!! i dont think im an expert on lamps but it isnt rocket science toi kno the more powerfull the lamp the blinder the quarry will be... Are you a hunter????? Thats the usual shite the antis spout, i have lamped thousands of quarry and NEVER have i blinded any of them, thats the old wives tales the antis push mate, are you a virgin lamper???????????? twat, are
  17. I use the blitz variable. If you're starting a young dog I'd say keep the power down to what you need at first. Too bright a light discourages young dogs from looking in the beam. The beam can be narrowed to a really good pencil beam but again, with a young dog, keep the beam a bit wider and your pup is a lot less likely to get unsighted when the rabbit turns. Once the pup puts it all together then you can let rip but even then I'd scan fields with weaker beam then blast up the power and move the lamp up and down (like a strobe) when I need to confuse the game and try to keep it from cover.
  18. then boys on here slobbering oh we killed 7 oh we killed 8 stupid f*****g men making the thing worse I've nothing against people match running though I've never been into it myself, even when I lived in Lincs and coursed the fens. Killing does with leverets in their bellies is always going to be hard to defend though.
  19. Just read it up here:- http://www.meathchronicle.ie/news/roundup/articles/2011/10/05/4006956-wildlife-service-hails-first-illegal-coursing-convictions-in-county/ The greyhound coursers have never liked lurcher men coursing. Welcome to the new Ireland lads, where your hound can't hunt or kill it's natural quarry unless you join a club,buy a license,catch it yourself in a net first then muzzle the dog and do it all in front of a crowd. How f*****g stupid is that?
  20. it dosent say what date they were caught but states 1 of the hares was full of young leverts. I've just noticed this post. Well that's how coursing will be lost to us.
  21. the wildlife officers and the guards done them for it if you go to greyhound data its on there. I reckon the stuff on greyhound data refers to organised coursing where hares are netted and released in front of greyhounds, ie "park" coursing. I followed a thread on another forum about whether walking up a hare on permission was illegal or not. The evidence seems to say it's not illegal but the law is always subject to interpretation and so it seems there's now case history to say it is illegal. Those guys should have got a good lawyer and fought it IMHO. I'd have been happy to make a sma
  22. The guards often have no idea of the law and I could quite see a prosecution going ahead just because the accused didn't know how to fight it.
  23. they are the first to be fined in ireland for this offence (southern ireland) I didn't realise it was illegal. Do you know what law they were convicted on? Were they poaching? So far as I know if you're on land with permission it isn't illegal. Could this be a wrong prosecution maybe?
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