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Maximus Ferret

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Everything posted by Maximus Ferret

  1. If you're using nightvision can you see someone else's nightvision, either IR or image intensifier?
  2. I've thought about it but it'd be one more expensive breakable to lug round the fields. I don't think it would be worth the trouble/expense for rabbits. Maybe for other things..... I'd certainly like the chance to try out different rigs and see how well they work and how far I could see with them. Has anyone used them much for any purpose at all?
  3. I've found a lot of my best spots while walking in the day time. I like to know where houses are too so I won't be waking anyone up.
  4. I find round the neck best. If you use thick clothing elastic you're less likely to hang yourself when you fall through a hedge/wall you're crossing. (Grab the elastic in your teeth when climbing a gate so the lamp isn't banging against it).
  5. Try searching old threads on Mick Douglas line of lurchers. They were hairy coated "norfolk" type lurchers. They were some of the best in their day.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2cgA_gMhgw Is that it? You've a fine Welsh accent! I've never seen that before but the guy with the Lincolnshire accent, speaking just before you, is a good friend of mine.
  7. Yes, I liked the black too. She got right on it at the end, trying for a strike or two before finally picking it.
  8. Taking fox with lurchers isn't illegal in Eire.
  9. was out a few years ago lamping for rabbits with my lurcher in co. sligo and heard a shot right near me and the sound of shotgun pellets hitting the hedge right next to me...sent the hairs on me neck standing! i ran like feck and got back to the van safely! as i had no perimssion on the land i did not challange the farmer, but, reported it to the guards (irish police), they came back out with me and found out who's land it was, the bollix that shot at me had his gun taken off him and got a caution from the guard, he should of been done for attempted fecking murder the c**t!! over here in Irel
  10. Where does it say that? I've had dogs both in the house and in kennels and I can't say I've noticed a lot of difference. Some dogs are good and some not, wherever they live. I do know that dogs reared in kennels can easily suffer from lack of proper socialisation if they don't get enough attention and time given to them.
  11. Is it possible the pup was over run? The symptoms sound right. I don't know about the blindness but the fitting definately.
  12. For how long??? In the recent hare coursing case none of the defendants bothered to dispute that hare coursing was illegal, as opposed to organising a hare coursing meet without a license being illegal. They were indeed poaching and were guilty of that but they've paved the way for all running of hares, even on permission, to be illegal. If you're caught now, even on permission, the case history is against you. Sooner or later it'll be no better here than in the UK, just wait and see.
  13. For people that like deerhound type animals the American stag/coyotehound must be worth considering. I'm sure it's been discussed before and someone suggested a group of lads could band together to import a mated bitch, proven and from good lines and in pup to a proven stud dog. It sounds like an idea that could work without costing a ridiculous amount.
  14. :D :DBut you love him anyway, don't you.
  15. If a dog's got good natural hunting instinct I don't believe that a bit of gentle obedience training is ever going to block it. The only dogs I've seen which pay more attention to their owners than to the hunt have been heavily border collie influenced and maybe a little over forcefully trained. I suppose that's the kind of dog he was thinking about.
  16. bet you hav had probs with feet , i have what am saying is feet is very impotant, hence shit feet the dog has a limited working life , collies have cracking feet some saluki xs have good big feet ,we all no looking at dogs we see what we like mines not just feet, shall i go on You're right about that. I've had running dogs a lot of years now and I've seen plenty of "big toes" and the various strains and foot and leg damage but what I'm getting at is there's more to it than just the breed of dog. Just because a dog's bred from a collie doesn't mean it'll have good feet. Some collies have be
  17. If good feet and legs are the most important thing for you, you need to breed from a line of dogs that have had their feet thoroughly tested. This probably means a family of sheepdogs which have worked a lot of sheep on very rough ground for generations. Any breed of dog which has had it's feet tested over a few generations could be good but collies of one breed or another are easier to find. Having said that some people do work deerhounds and if a deerhound bred dog is what you want there's no point buying or breeding a collie cross.
  18. I feed some record breaker and also chicken necks which I get for five euro for a 10 kilo frozen box. The record breaker is the cheapest meat based dry food I can find and the dogs do great on it. They like the chicken necks better though!!
  19. Well done mate, you deserved the good years. I sincerely hope you get another good one soon.
  20. Major poaching outbreak on the moon!!!!
  21. and where did you used to live mate to see if you are right PM sent, was I right then?
  22. Well done Kev, rabbits infect the ground with the same strains of coccidiosis that kills young chickens.
  23. Thanks for that vid George. I used to live around there thirty years ago and there was a lot of game then too!
  24. Judging from the vids on youtube it usually is over at the first turn.
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