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Everything posted by daveyace

  1. how long should i keep him on puppy food and what beef should i give him and how much? beef can be quite expensive, thanks mate
  2. can any one tell me what the best dog food would be for my 5 month old 1/4 saluki grey would be? thanks
  3. well you aint going to be extatic that it never made the grade after you have give it the best you can for 12month or more, thats the only reason you breed isnt it to keep a pup back so of course you would be upset if it didnt make it id be devastated
  4. it could be that he has ignored you when hes been distcacted and you has whistled again and again and hes realised that it doesnt matter if he comes or not so i would go back to the start and only whistle when hes on the lead and try giving him something worth coming back to like cheese or sausage or whatever food he loves and make sure hes hungry when you train him and mabey even go back to indoors and only do 5 mins a day and as soon as hes bored stop and never shout at him. make it a game and try running away and waving your arms so he chases you then when he gets to you give him the food h
  5. it could be that he has ignored you when hes been distcacted and you has whistled again and again and hes realised that it doesnt matter if he comes or not so i would go back to the start and only whistle when hes on the lead and try giving him something worth coming back to like cheese or sausage or whatever food he loves and make sure hes hungry when you train him and mabey even go back to indoors and only do 5 mins a day and as soon as hes bored stop and never shout at him. make it a game and try running away and waving your arms so he chases you then when he gets to you give him the food h
  6. i`ve got a lurcher pup about the same age and i`ve just started training him to retrieve. What i do is get his attention with a squeaky toy so that he wants it, then drop it in front of him and when he picks it up i click my clicker or praise him and reward. then after a while only praise him when he brings it up to your hand, its best to start crouched down, then when hes doing this every time start to throw it a little distance and you mite want to put a long lead on him to make sure he comes back. I do this 5 mins then hide the toy from him 5 mins on the morning then 5 mins at night. Start
  7. some are naturals,some will never do it i got mine retrieving dummys from a pup but now he wont bring in his catch,i need not of bothered teaching him.lol it maybe come to him in time too true mate its one thing getting your dog retrieving dumies but bunnies are a whole different ball game
  8. ive got a pup about 4 month old and i want to train him to retrieve to hand can anyone give me some advice thanks
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