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About daveyace

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. also i find it a bit bland so if anyone has any ideas on how to spice it up a bit thanks
  2. i think this meat is overlooked in the cooking world and is one of the healthiest meats out there
  3. my mate bought an ex racer to breed with his saluki grey and we`ve had her out on the lamp a few times. she was ok on the rabbits but when she never cort it she would just do laps of the feild chasing nothing and one time she struck a rock and broke a tooth and wont strike anything now. and as for the feet he took her to a game fair and give her a go on the rag and she went to stop and her stopper pad ripped clean off! so i think thats the end of her career. ive got one of the pups so i hope hes nothing like his mother
  4. luvly lookin dog mate! dont mean to sound thick but but whats a mutty?
  5. will be interesting to see what different breeds everyones running and see what they all look like
  6. also wait till shes stopped running around and there is a better chance of coming back because if your shouting her constantly and shes not coming back she will just realise it dosn`t matter if she ignores you instead just call her once and just wait till shes ready. how exited would you be if you were a lurcher and you seen a feild full of rabbits lol just be patient with her and you will be victorious
  7. id love to go over some time and hunt some of those beasts!
  8. putting a lead on her will only make it a chore for her and wont be fun. Instead start from basics again and dont move on till youve got this right. crouch down and drop the dummy in front of her to make it very easy when she picks it up praise and reward her, when shes doing it every time, only reward her when she gives it to your hand and once shes doing this every time then you can start throwing it a little distance and start indoors with no distractions, make it a game and only do a few goes a day and stop before she gets bored and leave her wanting to do it more so she gets excited every
  9. it was my best mate who bread them so we got first pick of the litter and i think we got the best 2 so only time will tell
  10. ive got a saluki grey bitch and shes the same she will walk next to me for the whole walk then as soon as we get home she run off and whenever i get near her she runs away and when we go out she does the same when we get back to the van. its a nightmare
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