Cold Ethel, come out come out whereever you are, I love's ya, don't mind all those others, you can cry on my shoulder, I know you'r only a big softie at heart.The're all only jealous.
I agree my neighbour got one from a farm as a pup, and he was the most vicous house dog i've ever seen, they didn't get rid of him untill he he attacked their daughter as she sat watching television,and she had been bitten by him twice before and blamed her for handling him roughly.
I had one year's ago,and she came from a working strain i'll never allow one inside the door again they are not called the clown of the spaniel family for nothing,she was the most useless dog I ever had I wouln't let one look at a labrador.
As far as I know you are not allowed kill anything with an airgun in the south of Ireland and the licence cost's € for 3 years if you only have one gun you only need to have a trigger lock.