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dan dan the hunting man

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Everything posted by dan dan the hunting man

  1. hello i have just started shooting again with air rifles after a 2 year break and now i have moved to essex (clacton-on sea) i now have nowhere to shoot does any one have a suggestion where i can shoot like farmland clubs near here all help is appreciated
  2. ive got a bsa hornet pcp .22 with scope and ss silencer i think its called would be willing to add some cash
  3. willium do u have the same gun??? went shooting this afternoon with it hit a pidgeon direct hit from about 25 yards didnt as much move a feather the bloke i bought it from said it hasnt been used in ages so maybe a refill of air would do the job does any 1 agree .. because im useless with air rifles anyway lol and do u think once the gun is working as normal its defo worth keeping
  4. ok thank you very much ill try everything i can lol i got told it was fully charged so maybe ill fire a few shots try and get to the sweet spot if no joy ill get it chronoed .. cheers for ur help much appreciated
  5. hello i have just bought a bsa hornet multishot pcp and was testing it in my back garden and it just dont seem to be packing a punch on the targets! and the gun only got fully charged today .. any ideas whats wrong with it ALL ANSWERS ARE APPRECIATED CHEERS DAN
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