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moggy rock

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Everything posted by moggy rock

  1. lol,,yer true mate..atb mark..
  2. hi lads,,i put a thread on yesterday about were i could buy a catapult from as i lost mine,,ive just had the house and shed upside down and found my old one so well chuffed,,lol,,the frame and the pouch are over 27 years old,,i cut the pouch out of one of my mates riga boots when we worked together painting many moons ago,,the elastic tubing was rotton on it so i went to the fishing tackle shop and bought some more which is thicker and alot better,,so now my lurcher as gone ile be doing alot of mooching just with my terrier unless theres any lads round my area maybe offer me the odd night out
  3. aprechiate that rocky1,,atb mark...
  4. cheers mate,,which ones are those mate..got any pictures..cheers,,mark...
  5. hi lads,,what kind of elastic do you use on your catapults these days,,im going to get another one after not having one for many years to do abit of mouching when i get board..which is all the time lol..does anyone sell them on ere frame and elastic..thanks lads...mark....
  6. hi, im am selling my car as no further use for it as ive just called it a day with hunting.lamping..its ford escort estate in good condtion...very good on petrol,,i get 30 to the gallon in town and alot more out, its as 11 month mot..5 month tax..and the miles are only 43,000 genuine miles,,its been in the familey for the last 9 years...its just cost me £340 to get it threw a mot,,new back springs,,new front dics and brakes and 2 new tyres...it cost me £1000 last year of my brother..only wont £650 for it,,it will go in my local paper this week...runs very smooth and loads of room for dogs,,eng
  7. mine..saluki x staffy..half cross..had a few rabbits but better on long ears...
  8. Nice post mate.... Nice post mate.... Nice post mate.... Nice post mate.... i dont know what you mean No dont bother me yer it does my fecking head in mate...
  9. nice one jase,,yes i bet he,s worth every penny mate,,hope he gets the home he deserves
  10. Im saprised this dog hasnt gone by now,,he,s a beauty,,if i had the room i would of had im no probs,,a credit to you jase mate..atb mark...
  11. i came to the right place then laugh laugh.......( what film) £50 to the winner....
  12. hi lads,,just wonderd if your lurcher lurcher,s as any strange habbits,,mines 10 month old now,,she,s aint right in the head lol,,but i love her to bits,,firstly when she can her a ice cream van she sits and howls for 5 mins,,funny as hell,,got her on video but carnt down load it for some reason,,secondly when im out mooching with her if i have a slash she comes running up to me and crouch,s over were ive slashed and does one her self,,, maybe cos shes only young i dont no,,lol,,but the misses see her do it the other day and thought i was weird..i said its feck all to do with me...lol...
  13. http://www.thisisdevon.co.uk/news/Saved-8211-fox-cubs-touted-children-sale-pets/article-3481047-detail/article.html i carnt find it about them fox cubs in my local paper,,it must of just been in for one night...ile carry on looking thou...
  14. yer i put it on last week jamiew,,very strange isnt it mate,...
  15. there in my local paper today..2 hand reared fox cubs for sale £100,,,dont no if thats for both or each...ive never seen or erd of that before,,, thought it might of been ilegle???? dont no lol...
  16. hi mate,,its a 1600cc petrol escort estate,,im after a deisel van or car will do..lol..
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