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About welshhound2

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Interests
    lurchers,terriers,falconry,ferreting,fishing carp the full hog!

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  1. for those of you that belive the world will end on the 21st of dec...you can leave your belongings with me by the 20th thanks..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lab


      I'll quite happily leave you the steam of my piss!!..:-)

    3. mickmck


      ya can have all my bills if ya want em ..lol

    4. blond


      will leave u my debts


  2. Dashing thru the snow... on a V8 wonder sled... crashing into trees... coz I'm off my f*****g head... been smoking Santa's pipe... a dozen beers or more... I'm heading to the red light zone to get myself a whore..... OH...... jingle bells, jingle bells, Santa's smoking weed... Mrs. Claus is on the floor... she's overdosed on speed... Blitzen's f****d, the elves are too... they're tripping off their heads... if Rudolph snorts another line, the twat will end up dead...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chris k
    3. PIL


      I can't see my girls singing that in their Christmas play .Hahahaha.Like it lol

    4. welshhound2


      rudolph's in for a suprise this year wait till he meet's our new bull cross lol

  3. a good day had in the protection of game birds just to ad young there though
  4. nice stamp of dog like him bitch her out of bo the spit of him
  5. nice lot tuff can see the resemblance to ours that dog out of garveys stuff? welsh
  6. public stoneing they should have for this 46 yr old twisted sick ***t cant agree with you more..hope this little girl gets found SAFE!
  7. welshhound2


    empty your inbox bud...welsh
  8. pups entered the start of a long road...

  9. earth you couldnt lift yourself up let alone the kennell lol why not have them kennels yourself for them gay labs of yours bet the bailing cords nicked aswell ya tight git haha..
  10. earth who you calling a fat twat you bag of puss...tuffty inbox empty..earth your like a bad case of crabs haha...
  11. haha..if your in the know with the right lads here you'll not struggle to find a good grafter imo..the only good to come from over the pond is guiness stout
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