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Everything posted by Ayrshire_Lass7

  1. wishes a certain creep would stay the f**k off ma page!!

    1. Ayrshire_Lass7


      Maybe so!! But there's no need for the same person to be on my page every day!! Find that worrying!!

    2. Ayrshire_Lass7


      Haha, I'm certinly not popular and would maybe b a little happy if it wasn't an ex who insisted on snooping on my page. Bad times

    3. johnny boy68

      johnny boy68

      I go on jt's daily to steal his jokes......lol


  2. amazing brithday weekend wi the new man :);) x

    1. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      happy birthday hope you have a great weekend have fun x

    2. Terrie


      Happy Birthday D hope u had a fabby day! any pics of wee finn?xx

  3. R.I.P Ben!! Can't believe he's gone!!!!!! best dog ever! :(

    1. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      sorry to here your loss r.i.p ben

  4. hope everyone has a lovley christmas. :)

  5. mmmmm wine wine wine......

  6. :)
    1. sighthound1811


      tried to text you during the week...hows things?? big ben doin ok ?? cheers chris.

  7. yuck....... soooo ruff

    1. keepin it real

      keepin it real

      put the mirror down.......joke

    2. Ayrshire_Lass7
  8. is having a quiet one.... getting ready for tomorrow night

  9. Arghhh why do i bother????

  10. some people are soo rude!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tattooed


      got all night,lass lol....no bad..yerself

    3. Ayrshire_Lass7


      lol haha!! yeah im not too bad thank you

    4. tattooed
  11. hes only 8weeks mate.wee cracker

  12. nice dogs pal. the wee pups a stunner
  13. heres my bull greyhound collie greyhound. he will be 2 at the end of September.
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