"Dutch" as a old fat dog ,,,he was one of the smallest Staffords Iv seen ,,,, if the same "Dutch" you mentioned..
any post you put up is always good post mainly from years ago I enjoy your photos fair play
you have to get software downloaded onto handset to work in uk ireland. if you get onto gps4us ank ask in there chat rooms they will fill you in on everything. im no genius on computer but its fairly straightforward to do. check it out first mate atb
How many times are you mating her.I've found over the years there is a distinct correlation between times mated and pups born but others no doubt disagree .Try mating her once next time for a smaller litter .
As regards to mating I only mated her once each time. Just looses plot. Going try her once more and try line up a foster bitch for in around same time
have anyone giving a relaxer of some sort to bitch once she pups. have bitch and has puped two litters first litter 13 and one survived. second litter 8 none survived.bitch does great job getting them out and cleaning them does great job but then absolutely looses the plot and either does be too rought or just pushes some aside each day till none left. and is lovely pleasant bitch before pups butbwould eat f**k out of you when has them. any suggestions.
great pics fair play. going try get out on the river this year never got chance last year but id love to do it be amazing see them take scent off the water
i found a cub other day while walking.it was lying in grass screaming. its back end was gone and like chanlers on small wound poor fckr.was very weak looked like something had bit him and left him.sad to see.