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About Action_Man

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  1. Thats nowt, look at this cross JRT on Preloved, £550 ... http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/105146344/lovely-chihuahua-jack-russell-with-love-heart-marking.html
  2. My dog does this every now and then, an he`s not ben near any nettles, he`s just over-excited. He frantically licks his paws, then sits like a statue, then bolts off at great speed, then stops like a statue again, really funny to watch ...
  3. I can provide a home for him, he looks like he wold be a nice companion for my other dog ...
  4. Sounds like my new bitch, she`s mad on rabbits/rats/mice, in fact anything that moves, she even get into warrens without digging, totally fearless of anything at all, including me ...
  5. My dog`s instinct is to kill anything he comes across, its all fair game to him, i have weaned him off cats, by giving him a treat and saying leave it every time we see one, and now he just grumbles to himself when we pass one, he swallows his pride and his treat. With Squirrels though, there`s not much i can do, he`s chased them ever since i got him, and he`s never been close to one, until now, i think it was burying a nut with its back to us ...
  6. I was out for a walk today in the local woods with my JRT, all of a sudden he bolted off, next thing i know, he`s swinging a Grey Squirrel about, a couple of shakes, and it was dead, it was only a young Squirrel, i dont think he could catch a fully grown one. What i need to know is this, can i get into trouble for killing Sqirrels ? ...
  7. I have the opposite problem to you, i got my Jack Russell recently, he was about 3 1/2 when i got him, and i thought i was getting a nice friendly playful pet dog, the one that fetches sticks and balls in the park, and he`s not slightly interesting in playing at all, all he wants to do is kill things, anything he can get hold of, he can smell vermin from a long way off, the other night he went straight for a Hedgehog a hundred feet away in near pitch darkness, he has an unbelievable nose. I do love him, but if someone offered me a JRT pup in exchange, i would be tempted ...
  8. This is my rescue dog Charlie, i thought i was getting a nice friendly family pet, but all he wants to do is kill things ...
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