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pistol pete01

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Everything posted by pistol pete01

  1. was that willy john who was nocking the phesants out the trees with the catapult to mate
  2. tape it up put in ruck sack works for me to
  3. like that dog in last pic craker difrent fay what i run but could make space for that optimas
  4. cheke old ways of the pocher its a warner dvd i think theres one working on that al watch it later and make shoure
  5. seen one work on a dvd put name of it up the morra thay were ratting if i remembar right a rabbit comes out and it nailed it looked a good wee dog
  6. think gingerboy good choice as judge think it should go a head lol
  7. if u take a litter of that gees a shout should have good coats on them
  8. it will need to be a good one mate done ok lurcher shows last year as a pup
  9. looking good bob hows [bANNED TEXT] dads one comeing on a liked that nice looking dog u be at glams this year is that randof park [bANNED TEXT] at whens that show this year
  10. thats right bill is bang on mate
  11. theres a vet in aberdower for the scotish lads takes 5 pound for haveing a look at the dog i have went for few years has a look at dog for nothing if he cant do nothing and a mater of rest my mate took his dog local vet cost 175 i took him over 35 pound same problem a weeks more medacation i had stopper off 75 pound with all medacation a mate tooth out his dog 45 pound hes worth a try
  12. u fance a shine the night steve give the dogs a few runs and bring a big bag al fill it for u f**k this baying meat not use to it freezer normaly full this time a year ma backs f****d evrything
  13. cheers for a good day steve mate i enjoyed it mate u no how its been hope get a shine soon as av only been able to da local latlyal fill a few bags for u to carry shortly lol
  14. a think the dvd is called the old ways of the pocher find out for sure later good watch
  15. aye a think so al need to watch it again ma mate has the dvd am near sure he was useing his hand
  16. theres a dvd with the warner calling them in throw the day and a gypsy shooting at them with a catapult
  17. looks like my dog difrent colour hes qurter bull 3 qurter gray to a half cross saluki grayhound bitch
  18. had one that would bring back hedgehogs done ma head in
  19. a never made it mate al get pic up for u
  20. i have one here get mate to put pic up of it as i dont no what i am doing only used it a couple times in summer enayone in west lothian wants to give there dogs a run on it let me no not a problem
  21. i take them ones or twice on lamp let them watch then take them out them self when going to give run i nevar drop rabbits for them always start with slip on lamp i let them run with older dogs throgh the day when theres nothing likly to be about
  22. i he s not as good as u at it he got cought u nevar baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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