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pistol pete01

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Everything posted by pistol pete01

  1. West Lothian lurcher and terrier club are holding a lurcher terfier and family dog show at polbeth United football ground 2 miles from Livingston on A71 roud 25th may 2014 @1pm put post code up soon come support our sport and have a good day cheers post code is EH55 8SF
  2. West Lothian lurcher and terrier club are holding a lurcher terfier and family dog show at polbeth United football ground 2 miles from Livingston on A71 roud 25th may 2014 @1pm put post code up soon come support our sport and have a good day cheers post code EH55 8SF
  3. Hope everyone will support show as central for everyone there as a good bit for raceing to this show can grow
  4. There will be raceing at show the classes be put up there all the normal a pure hound class over 26class put all classes up soon
  5. The foot ball club are doing catering 50p juice £1.20 a roll will put classes and prices up soon to let everyone see ususal lurcher terrier classes put fun classes for family show soon
  6. Lets see a good turn out for this show as first fae 1985 its all the ownners and dogs that make the show there be plenty classes for kids and there dogs and people way family pets lets show we can make this a yearly event
  7. The day is here cant wait to see everyone good luck to all thay show pony's happy days and wee wull wae his beast lol good luck everyone can't wait ta see u den my friend
  8. A herd it was because there was telivtion cameras going told that months ago thats way no lurcher and terrier show
  9. A herd it was because there was telivtion cameras going told that months ago thats way no lurcher and terrier show
  10. Never missed this one like ma local one lol can't wait brill wee show
  11. Is the show still on could put up a post code please
  12. A kept a smoky collerd dog very saluki looking way that pot heads brain fae the borders pmsl
  13. Pete will win one yet den hes a show pony aftere all
  14. Its bobs choice and a bit a fun well done to the winner he looked so happy to win am there for day out a take ma dogs in good nic if I can wee all like to win a say well done bob well done deebs bitch in goog nic
  15. Its bobs choice and a bit a fun well done to the winner he looked so happy to win am there for day out a take ma dogs in good nic if I can wee all like to win a say well done bob well done deebs bitch in goog nic
  16. Why at shows are the judges never interested in judge in this breed am not a terr man but worked a few ma time and found the staffie to be as good at working trees and bushing as any its the same lads that u see why bull crosses but when u put one in a class u here the snide remarks don't get it
  17. How's the pup den one a the boys whp got one said he put a teddy on a bit a rope and was pulling it amd pup was chasein it and raging it lol !!!!!!!!!! Thare cracking pups still couple there anyone interested wish could keep all what is there den crackers a want to keep a different one everyday
  18. Den has his pup now pups nice and strong if u want a dog to do a bit a everything here thay are
  19. Was at show in fife got a first second and 2 3ds so happy way that tane three a the pups plenty numbers just a week then thay will be gone but still 3 left no deposits
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