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Everything posted by jippij

  1. Thats a cracking looking little dog John. Where abouts did you get him from? Jip
  2. Thats a little belter mate. Best of luck with it!
  3. Thats a cracking pic at the bottom. Looks super alert!
  4. I love the look of the fawn. Always think they look like machines.
  5. Alaunt South african mastiff aka Boerboel. Cheers Jip
  6. Hey Daveo I fully get what your saying. The odd question are coming from a pretty poor lack of experience so im not surprised if they raise suspision. I use my fone to come on here most of the time so my profile has been a little hard to complete but with a bit a luck ill sit down tomorrow and get some details fired on. To be honest ive learned from experience when i first got into the big dogs we breed that you can get ruined on boards like this if you dont know anything so ive been trying to make it clear that im looking for help in what ever and who ever ways possible. To cl
  7. Ahh don't believe it! I've just spent an age battling with the Mrs to try and arrange to get over to broughton and just read you guy's posts about there being no T&L. FFS! Woodman where is yours at? Is it the Kildwick one I read about on another post? I was hoping to come along and spend a bit of time talking to folks about Lurchers to get to know them a little better before buying my first one. Cheers Jip
  8. Thats the one! Though now arguing with the mrs who wants to go upto scotland on sunday! Never rains but it pours....
  9. Hey All, Thanks for the input. To be honest born hunter I think my lack of experience shows through in the things I have asked. I really am starting at the back of the class here so I'm not sure how the whole process works. I think Mega Hunter has hit the nail on the head that it would be a good idea for me to go out and learn with someone but its a bit of a touchy subject to broach 9 times out of 10. I'm not surprised that folk don't tend to talk to strangers about it but I'm unfortunately not very well connected. I do like the look of the Collie x Greys so I think I might focus my at
  10. Hi Guys, I've been reading through various posts and trying to search for more basic information on Lurchers, Coursing and Lamping in general but I must say its a bit of a huge ocean of information. The gist of this is that I'm looking for pointers from the very beginning. I breed big dogs so I'm used to dogs and working with training, exercise etc. But I have no experience of running dogs. So basically if anyone can point me in the right direction for a good first Lurcher type. Any training tips and whether it would be better for me to look to rehome one or bring one up from pup
  11. Hi, I've been a member of a gun club for a while, though always been an indoor shooter but have been away from it for around a year, currently breed mastiffs and have just finished constructing my kennels. I'm 27 with a small family. Though im not looking to shoot out doors i am looking to get a lurcher for legal quarry as i live out in the country. The whole thing is a bit new to me so hoping that this site will help me learn both how and what, make some friends and hopefully just get involved. All and any advice on lurchers would be welcome. cheers Jip
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