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Everything posted by Allan.A

  1. Looks like it could be a good bit of sport. I guess if you didn't have a 410, you could just use a catapult?
  2. Looking to have a look at the sport. I've had a go at most fieldsports but never been ratting. I can work ferrets or a smoker move objects and so on. I have no terriers yet but who knows if i like it ....
  3. I once had a beddy whip x path, it was accidental mating of a mates to dogs. I took a bitch pup on anyway. She turned out to be a good rabbiting bitch. But that was about it. Wish I could find a picture of her.
  4. No I don't believe there are any roe either. But in herts we do have loads of fallow and muntys and some cwd.
  5. Also do you know if his litter mates ears pricked up?
  6. Nice strong looking dog mate, what did he make tts?
  7. Just for fun, perhaps you could put up pictures off lurchers that don't look like lurchers. Real poachers companians old and new. Perhaps with details on how they are bred, what they have taken currently and pre-ban etc.
  8. Nice looking dogs mate, good luck with the sale.
  9. Just out if interest what is the bitch tts?
  10. What are wheaten lurchers like as in regards trainablity, obedience? Are they head strong or....? What is their wind like? What us thier wind like at say 3/4 grey 1/4 wheaten? Genuine questions by the way, I genuinly know very little about this cross.
  11. What sort of tts are you 50/50s making? dogs and Bitches please.
  12. What sort of size tts do your pups come out at cookland?
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasnt this DHxGH line bred much shorter tts than that?
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