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Everything posted by oldsilver

  1. Have you still got blue bitch or has it gone now, we spoke on the phone.
  2. Damb nice pups mate, whish you were closer, how big would you expect a smaller bitch to grow from that litter to grow?, wanted for ferreting don,t like them getting to big, rough small fields and cover on my patch, always fancied this cross don't see many. good luck with a cracking litter.
  3. Thanks, thats the one with Tegan, just googled it. Sorted
  4. Hi, I was on here a few weeks ago and watched a clip of a ferreting dvd with a black dog what looked like a collie/grayhoundy type dog and some long nets, plus 2 lads anyone know what that dvd was as I wanted to buy it for chritmas but cant remember what it wsa called?
  5. Hi, I was on here a few weeks ago and watched a clip of a ferreting dvd with a black dog what looked like a collie/grayhoundy type dog and some long nets, plus 2 lads anyone know what that dvd was as I wanted to buy it for chritmas but cant remember what it wsa called?
  6. Thanks for peoples answers, will pass on advice and see where we go,will let you know how successful he is.
  7. Hi, a mate of mine is desperate to have a ferret but lives in a flat, now I have heard a few times about people keeping them indoors and even house training with cat litter trays? but have never actually spoke to one. Does any one have any expiriance of this, or do you use one of them indoor runs like you see for the rbbits ect,? and what about the smell?. Is this really practical? any help on this would be appriciated.
  8. If people didnt charge or pay stupid money for pups there would be no puppy peddlers, no profit in it!
  9. Just read this, I got that same sinking feeling as soon as I read it, is the pup any better? As far as I know there's been no problems with any of the others and the parents definately don't have any issues. I know you said you thought you heard her hip go back in but couldn't be sure, where was she biting? Keep me posted mate.
  10. Just read this, I got that same sinking feeling as soon as I read it, is the pup any better? As far as I know there's been no problems with any of the others and the parents definately don't have any issues. I know you said you thought you heard her hip go back in but couldn't be sure, where was she biting? Keep me posted mate. Hi, shes putting very little wieght on the leg but seams ok in herself, having trouble trying to keep her quiet and off the leg, she wants to still run and rag everything in her path. Too early to suspect hip dysplacier and hopefuly no lastin damage. Vet said co
  11. Hi you seem very knolagable about whippets whats your history with them?

  12. Thanks every body for your advice, I will phone the vets in morning and see if I can take her over to get checked out, as I say was not an injury as such, she was not doing much just sort of flopped and started screaming but instantly I could see something was not right in that sinking feeling you have when you just seem to instantly know.! She still won't put it down but dos'nt seem to be in pain you can touch all around nothing obvious.
  13. I have a 3/4 whippet/beddy about 14 weeks ish now no trouble with here and full of beans, but when I took here out today for a stroll she was ambiling along not fast, when she was picking up a little ball she was playing with went down on he side bitting her back leg so I ran over to picked her up and I swaer I felt her hip go back in its socket but can't say for sure?. There is no obvious signs of injury and no cause for it to happen. I am concerened as this has never happened to any of my dogs before like this. I know of one other beddy/whippet with hip dysplacier, does anyone have any expi
  14. what cross is this I have seen this happen to a couple of collie crosses that have been danted a little bit by some early hard rabits or a bit of a bump, sometimes they learn a bit quick for thier own good.
  15. is that one of parksi's pups I have a little bitch as well looks very similer I will try and put pictures up tommoz Yeah it is mate she's cracking how you finding yours She's made don't know where she gets the energy from, plays hell with my mates terriers,they don't know what to make of here she will stand here ground now.She hunts all the time nose only of the floor when she;s ragging somthing which is quite often!High hopes for here. photos on soon when ive sust out how to down size them. photos now added on this thread mines the same mate i've got a jack russel bitch sh
  16. Nice dog mate, bet she's a great worker. All the best cheers! shes quality mate! Stunning hope my bitch turns out like that, mines 12 weeks now .(photos below)
  17. is that one of parksi's pups I have a little bitch as well looks very similer I will try and put pictures up tommoz Yeah it is mate she's cracking how you finding yours She's made don't know where she gets the energy from, plays hell with my mates terriers,they don't know what to make of here she will stand here ground now.She hunts all the time nose only of the floor when she;s ragging somthing which is quite often!High hopes for here. photos on soon when ive sust out how to down size them. mines the same mate i've got a jack russel bitch she's been giving her stick since s
  18. is that one of parksi's pups I have a little bitch as well looks very similer I will try and put pictures up tommoz Yeah it is mate she's cracking how you finding yours She's made don't know where she gets the energy from, plays hell with my mates terriers,they don't know what to make of here she will stand here ground now.She hunts all the time nose only of the floor when she;s ragging somthing which is quite often!High hopes for here. photos on soon when ive sust out how to down size them.
  19. is that one of parksi's pups I have a little bitch as well looks very similer I will try and put pictures up tommoz
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