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Everything posted by KittleRox

  1. Real rugged that one, one of my favs as well, cheers
  2. I reckon she loved it Penny, nearly always 50 ft in front me looking back as if to say " come on you hurry up " she did sleep well when she got back home though
  3. hard buggers to capture, good pic
  4. is that a melanistic squirrel or a true type bud ? smart anyway
  5. The poor wee lamb was bleating last night, he could hardly walk if you,re gawn climbing again you,ll need to give up the cakes
  6. Aye they shooters are awe daft 3 beats my record for this season haha
  7. You must have the patience of a saint Romany to get pics that are so brilliant
  8. Gave the scramble a miss bud, the two groups in front of me both doubled back and warned me off, I thought I better do what I,m told lol as I,m just a beginner, better safe than sorry I suppose
  9. The ropes weren,t the problem lol, it was the tent buckling in the wind
  10. My first Munro yesterday, even though I felt like my heart and lungs were going to burst during the initial climb and I feel like I,ve been raped by a sheep this morning I,m well and truly hooked, weather was kind and the dog had a great time as well, cheers Ben Vorlich and Stuc a Chroin Snow on Ben Lawers Ben More in the distance View from Meall Nan Tarmachan summit Tarmachan Ridge Dug
  11. but I missed lol, great sound though, aye I,m back, set up the tent and it wasn,t worth a fook so I came hame lol, cracking day
  12. can,t see no pics here nor the other thread, enjoyed the wee bit gospel even though I,m no religous lol
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