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Everything posted by KittleRox

  1. Last one for you Baw, Saluki types horizons and some snaw for lab the moaning cxnt
  2. ahhhh you found the deliberate mistake lol. Couldn't think of anyone except those 2 who put on photos lol.Aye so my pics made a big impression then You got a camera mate? put yer best photo up and we will see if its better than fuzzy n feather NO
  3. ahhhh you found the deliberate mistake lol. Couldn't think of anyone except those 2 who put on photos lol. Aye so my pics made a big impression then
  4. Paulus and Fuji take the best photos Baw ??? feckin fuzzy and feathery things , thats me and you finished Baw , in fact Paulus away and ram that camera up ya bum and then delete my account please I,m away oot tae take some pictures
  5. If your birds have been kept in a communal aviary during the winter and have already paired when you split them into breeding cages and you,ve not paired them as they were in the flight if the split pairs can hear each other calling you might be banging your head off a brick wall gnasher, some will eventualy breed but some may not
  6. Used to be one or two of the quaker parakeets flying about on the outskirts of East Kilbride, not sure about nowadays though
  7. daeing alot of reminiscing in your posts the day Auld yin good stuff
  8. I don,t entirely agree with your point bud about playing fields and golf courses needs a pacey animal, theres playing fields local to me which I have seen a few types work, take for instance the " like shit off a shovel" whippet I have here, some nights the bunnys on these playing fields will just make her look silly the same as they can make my collie cur look silly, other nights they both get there share, brains can make up the difference with a dog that lacks pace
  9. Thank you, but i do have to admit it was a dolphin sight seeing trip haha! Mike Great pics none the less
  10. Cheers bud, I suppose I was a bit lucky with the way she shaped up, although if I should accidently fence hop with her I,m less likely to get hassle
  11. antis on viewing my profile me thinks

    1. LaraCroft


      There you go - I have stalked you all, to help oush the anti off the list !

    2. KittleRox


      piss off northern lol,and Lara I,ve got my eye on you haha

    3. lukey


      Calm down para head lol

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  12. Good thread this, not because I have reverse ( 1/2 collie 1/4 bull 1/4 grey ) and I,m biased but theres a few good points being made, interesting stuff, some which echo my experience with my own cur, Lamping she would probably drive folk with less patience up the wall, I must admit I get slightly frustrated myself with her style of running sometimes, that being said I like to see a dog using its brains and calculating which mines does, if a bunny looks like its going to hedge hop she,ll gauge it and wait or maybe put in a half hearted run, however if she gauges it and reckons she,s in with
  13. I was shouting at the tele there, GO ON SON GO ON SON AW FECK lol
  14. Thanks for that bud, I think I,ll start with the easier types to start with untill I get some decent flights built so the birds you have suggested sound good, it surprises me you,ve never kept linnets, they are cracking songsters supposedly
  15. which ever mod deleted this asshole john not at my request, I was looking for a fight lol, He was a bellend though
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