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Everything posted by KittleRox

  1. Great stuff Millet, I,m sure you,ll get better at ringing bud, I,d imagine you were getting a wee bit stressed might have to do it myself in 5 days atb
  2. Been meaning to ask bud, do you do wooden cases for the pens ?
  3. usualy grows well in newly turned over soil bud, I,ve turned some earth over when oot walking the dogs, well away from farmers fields though to avoid pesticides
  4. thats the spirit mate, I,m sure you,ll have a surprise for the half breed if he,s daft enough, atb
  5. Chocalate ones run faster and are good at dancing
  6. Scottys chuffed with the birds fireman , a right cxnt you had to give them up because of scum, hope you keep posting on this section though bud, you,ve been a great help
  7. There,s quite a few folk keeping/ breeding various types of softbills in the uk mate, blackbirds thrushes robins magpies tits etc, also less common but there is one or two who keep redstarts ring ouzels waxwings etc like you say messy feckers and you need to supply lots of livefood if breeding personaly if I were to keep softbills I would go foreign, glossy/ superb starlings
  8. Paulus makes a good point, my collie cur can be very subtle at times but the whippet is easy to read
  9. great pics, they were like that round here last winter/spring, think they must be in sumdays freezer noo lol
  10. much did you give the pilot ? Great pic bud
  11. besides yourself mate I reckon a few folks on here will be really taken by that dog, good stuff
  12. put him in a small cage and give the bird some heat, vets in the morning
  13. I huv tae put the camera doon tae type oan the keyboard
  14. you,re just pxssed the cause the bird had a wee go at your finger
  15. I don,t care I care even less I want it Dougie Hello there Bird had a wee shxte and the dog never even flinched
  16. aye went here in the winter and it was shxte, different place now, saw some bullys this morning amongst other things
  17. mines had a couple of wee runs at the bunnys this morning as well mate, never caught nowt as feckn usual lol
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