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Everything posted by KittleRox

  1. read the link mate, they have one of there guys appearing on the one show, can't be associating with lurcher and terrier men now can we, it just won't do
  2. No mate, I've sold my bike
  3. cheers for comments they have a big bowl of water in the fert cage and they enjoy mucking about in that so I tried them in the pool, they were a bit feart at first but I reckon they'll start swimming about on there own accord if they're in regular, good excercise just hope the weather stays nice
  4. it was definately my birthday yesterday mate, honest thanks everyone
  5. maybe take me to the posh golf place with lovely views
  6. for a split second I thought how does fireman know its my Birthday then it clicked lol, cheers mate
  7. Wild Campion has just started seeding roundabout, I was picking some seed pods the other day for the first time and it seems this plants a favourite of the lychnis moth, caterpillers feed of the seeds inside the seed pod then emerge to eat the plant itself, I was cracking the pods open over the sink and a caterpiller popped out I near sxxxt meself I tried to find out if the caterpillers are poisonous or not but details are sketchy, usually if caterpillers are toxic they 're brightly coloured, also birds eat campion seeds, caterpillers eat campion seeds, birds eat caterpillers which ate th
  8. had some dead in shell as well mate, mines are in cages but I notice you provide a bath and they're out side so humidity shouldn't be a problem ??? I provide baths as well so I'm giving the birds a rest the now as I'm going on holiday and I don't want to miss ringing youngsters ( touch wood ) hopefully the wee rest will recharge there batteries, I'll pair them back up just before I go fingers x'd for yours mate
  9. they xxxxx baxxx stards are acxxt when you're trying to sneak up on stuff for the freezer,
  10. Lost 3 healthy youngsters myself fireman ( 2nd round ), well what I thought were healthy, seems the parents just stopped feeding them so must've been something amiss, checked for mite and none so a bit gutted
  11. Funny stuff. I spent some quality time ~ and effort ~ heaving it out of the ground my horses are living on just now. I just can't find it in myself to see it there. True; It's the home of the Cinnabar moth. That's their (equally lethal) caterpillars there. Black and yellow things. Live Stock would have to be absolutely crazed with starvation to eat Ragwort. It must taste like battery acid on the tongue of mammals. Certainly a dodgy plant Pete, I would think if you were making hay you wouldn't want that stuff in the mix, the seeding heads seems a favourite of the birds though pa
  12. Could be a few different reasons for the birds not settling down to breed, if they're mixed there could be a rogue bird making a nuiscance or maybe too many birds to the size of flight or just stress from reasons unknown, incorrect feeding, cats etc etc etc ?? sometimes if birds are really well conditioned, overconditioned if you like they' ll continualy build lay, throw the eggs out and so on because they're that full of energy, when my pairs have laid there 3rd or 4th egg I stop feeding eggfood dandies etc and then resume again when the eggs are due to hatch, if you can try caging your pairs
  13. I've been watching Wainrights walks lately on the tele, good stuff and if you bump into that Julia Bradbury bird Fuji tell her I'm asking for her lol, you'll be munro bagging next mate enjoyable write up and pics once again, keep up the good work
  14. Feck me al......... Did ye make that?!?! aye oan ma new shiney stitcher, its the new east coast lamping attire
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