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Everything posted by Berkutchi

  1. Berkutchi

    My Thread!!!!

    everything ive posted has been deleted,even the bits when ive asked why?!!!...Pakistani bull thread etc...come on please tell us why!!!!!?
  2. Berkutchi


    Nah bollocks,dog killed it and i reckon a fox/s cleaned the flesh of it.
  3. Berkutchi

    Barn Owl

    your wrong.... YEP DEAD WRONG,as long as the Barn owl is captive bred with CITES A10 certificate and rung.
  4. On holiday a couple of years ago on the South Downs in Sussex we found a road kill badger that had a ginger head (were the black markings should be) and a off white body,very strange.It was a bit "high" so i left it were it was.
  5. The Reza Asil stag is good'un but the Asil pullet on the far left is not so good head etc,ie like the hen in question = a p*ss poor small Asil pullet me think's 'ish..
  6. I put a similar YouTube video a couple of months ago and a mod removed the post about Coyote hunting.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SInQEghrMQg
  8. Ive had it from hear-say that Halgarth's people skill's (i.e manner's) arent up to much but he's meant to be good at what he does.
  9. I think ive seen this guy before a couple of years ago on a USA Jack rabbit hawking video....total wrist flicker.... http://www.falconrybooks.com/Merchant2/mer...uct_Code=FD1049
  10. Would he let me buy the rest of the clutch?..
  11. Bernard Sayers lost an eye to a Tawny owl!
  12. someone's trying and failing to be funny.
  13. Found this whilst moving bales of straw into my barn.
  14. Wild disabled owl's and raptors will adapt to a secluded aviary,id put down a one legged or one winged bird for example but my friend has a wild diabled owl female that had a damaged wing as above and is now paired up with a captive bred male,they've nest scraped but thats it at the time being.So a wild disabled bird can have a quality of life as long as their secluded and left alone with plenty of high and low perches to scramble up on.
  15. i remember when muskets fetched £70 and female spar's £120! cheapest female spar i knew of was £265 last year,£28o-£300 ive seen quoted this year.
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