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About Insy

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 05/06/1991

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  • Location
    Essex, United Kingdom
  1. Thanks for the recommendation I'll see if they have them down there tomorrow.
  2. There was a rather nice looking NV attachment in the shop, believe it was called a Nite-Site Viper. They turned it on and showed us the night vision as it was dark outside and I have to say I was rather impressed, who knows what might get purchased in the future.
  3. Hello Guys/Ladies, Well just went and purchased me a HW 100 Carbine Thumbhole Stock .177 Rifle Hawke Eclipse 3-12x50 AO IR Mil-Dot Deben 6-9" Bi-Pod So excited to get out this weekend and zero the scope, hopefully get me some bunnies. Only downside is I got all the way home and the pellets were .22 not .177, luckily my old man has a hw 100 .22 so he just got lucky with a tin of Bisley Magnums. Will pop out tomorrow and hopefully get some .177 pellets from a more local shop. Will upload a photo once the DSLR has charged. Thanks Ben
  4. I don't have no input really on this subject except to say, If you managed to spot and shoot those numbers imagine what numbers still remain.
  5. Any of you use fly rods and flies for river fishing? Always been tempted but my eyesight isn't the best anyway do you go by watching your fly and strike when you see the fish take or do you go by the feel of a fish biting like lure fishing? I miss fishing need to get back into it this year.
  6. Just the same with sharks tho I've seen footage of them being caught alive, cut there fins off and chucked back in alive with no fins.
  7. Lucky picture for me I spooked most of them this the only one that said cheese.
  8. Well i hvnt been up the allotment all weekend due to work and that just to tired, ill be up there tomoz after gym if the weather is nice hopefully I have just ordered the following: Allium 'Electric' (Onion) Sets x 50 Allium 'Jermor' (Shallot Onion) Sets x 10 ( ordered 2 sets of these ) Allium 'Radar' (Onion) Sets x 50 Allium 'Shenshyu Yellow' (Onion) Sets x 50 Allium sativum 'Germidour' (Garlic) x 3 Allium sativum 'Lautrec Wight' (Garlic) x 1 Allium sativum 'Marco' (Garlic) x 3 Allium sativum 'Thermidrome' (Garlic) x 3 This should keep me more than busy haha so whilst im
  9. Just to clarify people this is a bargain and if i had spare cash i would be eve tho i have one, this is perfect for off road or road as the suspension can be locked out and switch to road tyres. I did the london to southend cycle on my one and it was so nice gears, brakes, tyes r all good quality the only thing that lacked on mine was the painful seat GL on sale
  10. My neighbour has 2 rotavators he said i can borrow one whenever i want, problem i cant rotavate it until all grass is out cause if i rotavate that cooch grass my life will be made a nightmare i believe
  11. I am very happy with todays progress also i met a new neighbour who is the most active person on the allotments he has some stunning brussels
  12. Hello guys/ladies Thanks for all advice and replies i havent done much today due to the fact i went thorpe park for the day to just chill back and have some fun, but i got back about 6ish played the xbox and decided why not cycle to allotments and get a hour or 2 of digging done beore it gets dark. So i did alot of hard work in them 2 hours no joking havent got progress pictures because it was dark by time i packed up lol so tommorow ill eb back down there after work/gym and ill take some progress pictures, but i roughly the patch that was dug in the latest picture this new hole is same de
  13. Ok todays progress my first trench/plot dug second one started aswell, started cutting back brambles and vines aswell i also met 4 new neighbours and i made a friend who was playing with my strings i was using to mark out the trench outlines haha. Ive also designed a quick diagram of what im thinking for my allotment Pictures:
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