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Everything posted by Lew

  1. I think most of the lads that do the ratting on here are the ones that ask for the pictures to be taken down. thats why i dont post on here because the lads see abit missing on a grafters face and ask it to be removed.
  2. couldnt put it better my self rio.
  3. Cnt see the fuss! the dogs seen a stop end and gets a little nip lol. good luck with the terrier mate
  4. It was a good mornen that Meg done well. watto
  5. breed bull terreirs for years do you mean at the base not the tip right on the end of it dock. about an inch up to the tip is bald but its ok underneath
  6. Will this make the skin grow back?
  7. This is on a terrier mate right on the tip of his dock
  8. just wondered if any of you lads know what this might be? it is bald on the tip of the tail and has been like this for a few months. Thanks
  9. Some great advice there p***y thanks..
  10. 1. LIVERPOOL! 2.man [NO TEXT TALK] 3.chelsea 4.totenham
  11. Loads of walken and a little bit of ratten for me.
  12. lamping dog. but i wouldnt be assed lamping 100 rabbits if a fox pops into the beam.
  13. Lew


    There is no pakis around my way but if there was the lads that hang around on the shops would f**k them right off. i think they need shippen back out the b*****ds are taken all are money with all there corner shops and petrol stations!
  14. I like Charlie in the night but id rather Dig him
  15. to me a call out dog that will stay if not shouted and hard dogs are....Handy... but i would rather have a dog that bays/mixes any day imo
  16. Top pictures mate just what this site needs
  17. i think nuvs the man to ask about borders mate
  18. if i was you and you had like you said a 10 month old dog gettting dug to and a few pups then i would put all my time and effort into them. it should be finding in a straight earth imo
  19. Yeah!.............Camel feet! dont see the relivence of the size of his feet really its his working ability that counts and for his age id put him up against any ones dog yis fraser For a 16 month old dog mate thats some statement.
  20. i would of been interested in 1 box and 1 collar. are they up on ebay?
  21. id stay clear of plummers mate there rabbiting dogs get yer self a patterdale
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