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Everything posted by Lew

  1. Nice animal, got a bitch very similar
  2. The Pms for the dogs service are gonna clog your computer up haha........ People will be thinking choc dog at stud Christmas has come early this year!
  3. you could say a dog was as good as its last season, but defiantly not its last dig. I've not seen a dog yet that hasn't missed.
  4. If the price of diesel came down to about 60 - 70p a litter like it is in other country's it would be a cheapish hobby. Flesh is expensive if you don't know any flesh houses anywhere too.
  5. Received my collars today mate, very fast delivery! These are as good as anything on the market lads I've had them all leather, strong stuff etc and he charges peanuts for them. Great fella to deal with to.
  6. Could just be a lack of confidence which should grow the more opportunities he gets in easy spots
  7. Ye sound mate, just singles I'm after... Prefably bright colour like red, orange... Thanks
  8. Do you do any normal single terrier collars on there own mate. If you do will u bang a picture on would be interested in a few.
  9. I'd cancel your order that shovels dog poo. I like them to have a smallish metal shaft. An the head should be like a spoon with decent kick plates. Cutting a v in them is for roots is pointless. Just have all your tools sharp!
  10. Wise decision mate. Saved yourself a couple of years.
  11. Half hearted diggers, but when there own dogs are in they dig like f**k
  12. Lads that come without food and drinks because they know your bringing some, so you have to share yours out, tight c**ts
  13. I'm only a youngish lad, but for me there's only one place for a worked terrier to be an that's,seen to an put in a warm kennel to rest after a day's digging. The digs get deeper and the dogs get better by every pint, it makes me cringe haha. Sorry for pissing on your fire boys, but I'd rather get abit of fanny in a boozer than sit round looking at a sore, balled up, stinking dog. Good luck for the season
  14. Brilliant tool. One hard dig and its payed for itself. Wouldn't be without one .
  15. Should of put them in with the backfill
  16. Them terriers are a credit to you, nice to see a yard of digging bitches. What was Stevens bitches like, would you rather have your own like what is pictured there. Just curious because he was before my time mate
  17. From what I've seen from this NS line, I don't think there is one out there that could come close to them for real heavy digging, they just crave work, an scary how much drive they've got. But there seems to to come a lot of bollox, politics and cringy ass licking that comes with it IMO.
  18. . Thanks for your reply mate. Going off your earlier replys floyd sounds like he has left his mark to.
  19. If you could take a dog from nicks yard from the past and introduce it again in to your own, what would it be mate?
  20. Couldn't agree more Neil. It's a c**t of a saying
  21. Good Post ...Yes this whole use a dog to improve the bitches pups is bollocks, if the bitch isn't as good as the dog why breed from her !! . What a silly post Glynn. Complete and utter bollox!
  22. If its a little splutter it could be lung worm
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