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Everything posted by Terryorr

  1. I have only had the privilage of shooting a 6.5x55 once and I put my 1st 3 rounds through the bull (1 inch dia) at 100yds with ease. It is some piece of equipment. Good luck pal.
  2. Gett them from the local slaughter house free. Obviously i have known them years, and are very good mates with them all....I also do all there pest control and all the farms around them.... i can have any offol i want, from the slaughter house or the butcherrs but i prefare to feed my dogs on lambs heart. I give loftie most of the other stuff, which ranges from sausages, sausage mince, chops, chicken carcus, liver, kidneys, pigs heads, etc etc... pretty lucky really.... Thats any dogmans dream mate. That used to be available over here but because of health an safety shit most slaughter hou
  3. How do you know it was good shoting mate, it might have been 5ft away? Good looking charlie that top one, vixen or dog? NO ARGUING LADS.... its a dog Fox and as someone has pointed out, it doesnt matter how far away it was, as he says it was good shooting as it is now DEAD. Shot at 170yds verified by range finder (top one) shot at 65 yds (bottom one) Hi murphymax, stop wallbashing haha, in my opinion your post are excellent and I would like you to post what ever you fell happy with, ie photos and write ups. Some people will enjoy them some will not. Tough. runfor
  4. If you want it for foxes mate, one is as good as the other, the .223 would be more modern as you say but the old .222 is still man enough for the job. The .223 is certainly a helluva foxing rifle but if you are out lamping foxes the maximum sensible range would be 160/170yds and the old .222 is capable of this, just my opinion, hope this helps. By the way, my mate has a .223 and he tells me to buy the rounds are over a quid a piece, but he can reload them for about 38p a piece. cheers.
  5. How do you know it was good shoting mate, it might have been 5ft away? Good looking charlie that top one, vixen or dog? Hello mate, its dead, believe me I have seen foxes missed at close ranges CHEERS
  6. its just the way ive butchered it in joints and haunches, last of last seasons, any idea where i can pick up some tripe handy? As much fresh tripe as you like, (every wednesday) 10lb bag £3.50 Antrim Area
  7. Good shooting mate, plenty around here too now. If the farmer wants them shot we must oblige otherwise we run the risk of losing the permission when the season starts properly. Good luck.
  8. Well done mate, you got it sorted. I still think it is a daft condition, I mean you can go out legally with a shotgun and cartridges and shoot all day long but you are not allowed to buy either :wacko:
  9. Hi mate Ive never had proboots,Ive only had lowa which were very good and are still going but are well worn now after 7-8 years and now I have le chamau mouflon gtx which are now showing signs of wear after only one season ,Ive just bought a new pair of meindls but have not worn them yet,I will wear out the mouflons first. When you spend £100+ on a pair of boots you expect them to last, those lowa seem the job still going after 7-8 years. My mate (crafty c..t) bought 3 pair of the proboots maybe 4 years ago and is still in his 1st pair, he,ll never have to buy boots again
  10. Terryorr

    O Dear

    Hi Wullieh you forgot these ones Q. Name a bird with a long neck. A. Niomi Campbell Q. Name a famous Scottish man. A. Hamish Q. What was Ghandis first name. Goosie Goosie
  11. Cheers for that link Night Hunter. I actually rang the outdoor and camping shop today for a reply to jackboy and he only has 2 pair left sizes 7 and 11 he thinks, and when they are gone thats it. What is your opinion of the proboot
  12. Well done young fox caller, keep up the good work, you never know your dad might let you have a go at the next one. Hi mate, I have already been shooting for two years this month and hunting for about 5 or 6 years. Last year after I shot a Fox about three miles away, my photo was in sporting gun magazine along with that day's story. you shot a fox 3 miles away,with what gun may i ask HaHaHaHa very good EARTH When I read the young lads post I knew someone would ask that question He meant 3 mile away from home., it was 30 odd yds away and with a shotgun HaHa
  13. you got a link to where these are for sale mate? Hello mate, these boots are getting hard to find, one place over here (an outdoor and camping shop) can still order them for you, or EBAY always has them to offer, also I think EBAY has a link at the bottom of their page, try there, good luck
  14. Terryorr


    Street Fighter Charles Bronson High Plains Drifter Clint Eastwood
  15. Man and wife at zoo, looking at the gorilla lying in the corner of his cage the man says he looks sad, lets cheer him up a bit. Take of your top and show him your tits, as soon as the wife does this the old gorilla jumps to his feet, now get your knickers off he says to the wife, as soon as the wife does this the old gorilla goes mad and wrecks the cage. The husband opens the cage door and f..ks the wife inside and says :Now tell that c..t you have a sore head.
  16. We all wear the Goretex Proboot, excellent in everyway, warm on cold days and cool on warm days, the pair i have are 3 year old now and still not a flaw in them, I think the proper price is in and around £125/£130. Worth every penny in my opinion.
  17. Hi Stephen, Jesus the law really sucks down south man, up north here the one FAC covers every shotgun, rifle or air rifle you own and cost £50 for 5 years irrespective if you have 1 gun or 12 on it
  18. Seems strange to me .As far as I am aware here in Northern Ireland you can have Firearms Certificate at 16(for a shotgun or air rifle) but must be accompanied by someone over 21 and who has held an F A C for 3 years. I dont think there is any clause about being or not being able to buy your own gun. Sorry to hear your of your trouble.
  19. The game fair at Shanes Castle last year (i,m not sure what it was this year) was £25 for a family ticket £25 each is downright extorsion
  20. One c..t (medivet) was £815 for his services and the chap (quite rightly) refused to pay, then took the same animal to another vet and got charged £75. :protest:
  21. Hello mate, just back from a week away, yip only 3 weeks away now and we will have a jar or 2 yes id say you will have a jar our two as long as someone else is buying it for you you miserable c**t :realmad: :black eye:
  22. Hello mate, just back from a week away, yip only 3 weeks away now and we will have a jar or 2
  23. Sorry lads, I used the young lads user name on my last post, I forgot to sign him out haha
  24. Surely after doing the same bury a few times we would soon familiarise ourselves with what it consists off ie big tubes, small tubes. I.M.O. putting a large dog in a place you know is tight is just asking for trouble. If the large dog has to squeeze all the way up to the quarry, (and if he makes it there without suffocating) surely the quarry has an immediate advantage and will severly punish the dog until the dog has made room to deal with it or backs off. We have big dogs and small dogs but they are used where they are suited. IF ITS WANTS TO IT WILL Dosn,t always apply I.M.O.
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