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Everything posted by Terryorr

  1. Come on Lads 5,474 = 48.37% yes 5,842 = 51.63% no No point scolding afterwards
  2. I have nothing against people who shoot foxes at night with a high powered rifle if it is carried out as PEST control, i.e. Game keepers, Shoots etc but I dont see it as sport. What I see as SPORT is going out at night with either a lurcher or shotgun where a bit of skill is required to call a fox into close range to have a chance of a shot or course. If you lamp 10 foxes with a high powered rifleman beside you and then lamp 10 foxes with a lurcher man or shotgun man beside you, I know which would get my adrenalin running quickest
  3. Just read Topic from start there, 1 of the best so far. I will just add my view to the subject now. I started hunting with my currant mate 14 years ago, most of which was with terriers and some hound work. We only hunted on a saturday from September to February and averaged 100 foxes/season. One saturday we were out with 2 hounds and about 6 shotguns and from 9am to 12 noon we had accounted for 7 foxes and the Boss called it quites, based on the fact that foxes were everywhere and we would be slaughtering them. We averaged maybe 3/day with the terriers and maybe 5 with hounds back then. I wen
  4. Thanks for that mate, I,ll try a bit more lead and see how I got on. Thats what the forum is all about, learning.
  5. Oh yeah you would look well hunting wild boar with an air rifle man, are you a LUNATIC or just a SIMPLETON. Just keep practising archery and move to the rain forest
  6. As I said in another post, Diana 30 grm 6s are lethal, my son dropped a jackdaw clean in the air and I retrieved it and counted 62 paces back to the hide. I killed 10 crows and 7 pigeons out of 25 Dianas and not 1 out of 25 clear pigeons, they are shit, I reckon I hit 10 pigeon with them only to see feathers and them flying on.
  7. Hello JonathanKent, it has always been like that in Northern Ireland, one gun or ten it is still £50/ licence, not like down south where they are charged euros/gun ( I think). We used to need 3 farmers permission to be granted a Firearms Certificate but now we only need 1 but we also now need 2 character references. The paperwork is a bit of a headache and as you said some people just give it up rather than go through the hassle.
  8. In Northern Ireland an F A C is £50.00 for 5 years, no matter how many guns you have on it. That covers everything from the smallest air rifle, shotgun, and up to the largest caliber rifle.
  9. In Northern Ireland any shotgun cartridge must have a minimum of 5 pellets irrespective of size.
  10. I like all my foxes at a range of 30/35 yards max, and using BBs or 42grm 3s/4s they will drop instantly. I know they can be taken further away but you may not kill them cleanly.
  11. If you dont like the results of the shows then dont go back again. Why not put all the effort, time and money into running your own shows and then you can pick your own judges. See how you get on.
  12. I was over at the E.D.R.D. show on Sunday in England and my mate was one of the judges as he done at a show in England last year. I have been told that he done a thorough and honest job and had a hell of an eye for a decent terrier and has been ask back again. He did not know one terrier or owner from another and maybe this is the way a judge should be selected in future. Just my opinion.
  13. Hi pal, I have just started shooting pigeons too and I find the more decoys you put out the better results, if you have only a few decoys, add all the shot birds to your pattern. I find it is important if you use a net for a hide it must be tight and not flapping about in the wind. When you see birds coming in to your decoys you must be still and if they are going to land they will spread their wings and hover and then you know they are within range. Good Luck
  14. Terryorr


    A baby boy was born with no ears and when his mum brought him home everyone ask her why does he not have any ears. This went on for a week until she went mad and said thats it, I dont want to hear anyone else mention that childs ears. The next person to see the child said to the mother, is his eyes ok. Oh for f..k sake she says, every c..t was asking about his ears now your asking about his eyes, Why. Well says your man, if he ever needs glasses, hes f..ked
  15. If you have £350 to spend mate, you could pick up a good secong hand beretta 301/303. I have never heard anyone finding fault with either model. Cheers
  16. Good post my man, well done. I like those Eley BBs, lethal.
  17. Just back home there now. Great weekend. Show was very well set up and run. Congratulations to the orginisers. Met some old faces and some new. Miss Lurcher Bitch, you were quite easy to spot from the photo on here, it must be the hat.CHEERS
  18. Was out on thursday evening and took 2 boxes of cartridges with me, 1 box Diana 30grm 6s and 1 box clear pigeon 30grm 6s. My mate was with me in the hide and the 1st bird ( a crow ) came over and I dropped it cleanly with 1 Diana, my mate retrieved it and paced it back to the hide at 55 yds. Out of that 25 Diana,s I had 10 crows and 7 woodies. I then switched to the clear pigeon and didn,t drop a single bird, I reckon I hit 10 woodies with them only to see a cloud of feathers falling to the ground but the bird flew on. Diana,s superb but clear pigeon crap. CHEERS
  19. One of the terriers my mate breed was a dog called dog Todd. He was a big strong dog weighing in at about 18lb. Anyone who seen the dog working would have said he was exceptional. Todd always done enough to get the job done but could mix it if and when he had to, he was sensible about it. Todd didn,t start working until after 2 years old. He was shown stuff at a stop end when he was about 15 months and hadn.t a clue, he actually went in, turned around and lay beside it waging his tail, thinking he had found a new friend. When the penny dropped he knew then they weren,t his friend. Todd worked
  20. Good replies Lads and Lasses, keep them coming, all interesting reading CHEERS
  21. I started a thread like this last night and got up this morning expecting a few replies which I got, I didn,t expect anyone to have tried to start the same thread, you were more than welcome to add your reply to mine but now the both threads will be split.
  22. At what age do you give up on a terrier pup? I have seen pups being dug at little over a year, showing too much agression and after half a dozen digs are finished. On the other hand, I have seen pups not catching on until nearly 2 year old and making excellent digging dogs who have a bit of sense and working until maybe 9 or 10 years old. What is your opinion
  23. 36 grm BBs or 42grm 4s, either will drop them cleanly
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