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Everything posted by Terryorr

  1. Well lads and ladies, I have a fireside quiz here and I can,t get the last answer. The answers are TV programmes and the clue is :Definitive book on bones and bodies: Any ideas
  2. Jesus man I would love a Terrier like that. He enters and walks out the only hole he enters and foxy follows him out. He must have had words with foxy below ground.
  3. Well spoken mate, too many arsewipes too quick to respond, if Terrier bolts foxy then Terrier has won, if Lurcher or Gun misses then foxy has won.
  4. Thank the Lord I only have a .22LR, 100 rounds/£5.00
  5. Cheers S S, I have heard it is a nightmare trying to get a pass to cross over the border into the south for a days shooting but as you say up north here we are part of the UK and I thought an F A C may cover everywhere.
  6. I live in Northern Ireland and have an F.A.C. for a couple of shotguns and a .22lr. If I book a days shooting in Scotland, England or Wales does my F.A.C. cover me legally or do I need a day permit to visit those countrys, and does F.A.C.s from these countrys cover you in Northern Ireland. I know in the south of Ireland our F.A.C.s does NOT cover us.
  7. Sorry for your loss mate. It always happens to the good ones.
  8. Yip, when the young dogs work hard and get a result at the end, it fairly brings them on.
  9. Yeah mate, the young lad and his mate come up 2 or 3 times during the season and we go down, its good to get to different ground now and again.
  10. Out this morning lads with 3 young dogs, all JUST into their 3rd year. Last season they were entered and saw 4 or 5 bits and pieces. 1st place we went was massive and I thought oh shit, this could be all day, but young dog in and on and bleeper said 0.6 mtrs, 15 minites later we broke in and dispatched the fox. Second place we went was a mile away from here and young Paddy from County Leitrim (3 and half hour drive to here) his young dog entered and got on immediately. Bleeper said 1.2 mtrs and we thought no problem. We started digging but it moved. For 1 hour it moved here there and everywher
  11. I have 2 semi autos here (multi choke) and to be honest, the choke I have in them is 1/2 and it is very seldom changed, and it does most situations.
  12. Anyone know where to purchase the Tenterfield fox whistle. Any links
  13. I totally agree mate, my opinion for a fox only rifle would be .222 up. I think I,ll start with the little .22lr for smaller game to start with
  14. Yip I think it is a good deal too mate, looking forward to getting going.
  15. Thanks for the replies lads. Each year I think they buy in around 800 young birds (pheasants) and rear them and release them as and when needed. They shoot every saturday during the season as a club but if your a member you can shoot on your own through the week aswell. You can also shoot the flight ponds, lamp foxes, terrier work etc when you please. I dont know the exact acreage of their permission but I know it is massive, 100s acres.
  16. No mate, it is a rough shooting club. Mostly pheasants and 2 or 3 flight ponds
  17. Good man mate. Secret is outwitting foxy boyo
  18. Well Lads And Ladies, I have eventually been ask to join a local Gun Club. I applied to join 2 years ago on a wait and see basis. This club has been going about 20 plus years and they like about 24/25 members. We do all their fox control with terriers and I have been a guest each year at xmas for the past 2 years. Last year I shot 5 pheasants out of 6 shots. Now I have had my application accepted and I can join. BRILLIANT. The 1st year is £300 and every year after that is £200, is this a fair charge. How does other clubs charge.
  19. The problem I have pal is I,m not that clued up in HMR/WMR. I saw my mate shoot the 22mag one night at a rabbit and I was totally impressed, the speed and impact was unbelievable. Others say it is an in between rifle, in other words too powerful for small game but not powerful enough for a fox. What do you think pal.
  20. We JUST won the vote folks,(well done) but now we need the likes of the Countryside Alliance,BASC etc to play their part and state that we won and hammer that fact home, because believe you me if the anti poofters had won they wouldn,t let it go
  21. Good reading lads. Over here when you apply for a rifle, you must state the EXACT caliber, ie 22LR 22 MAG etc and the seriel number of the rifle that you want and that is what you get. You pick the rifle you want and you must stick to it. I am just about to apply for my 1st rifle but dont know what caliber. I have shot 100s of 22 lr rounds but not any of the other small calibers. I will choose between 22lr 22mag or 17hmr. My mate has an excellent 22mag complete with scope and silencer for £250, I would think this would be an excellent buy but I have heard from others these are crap rifles. I
  22. An Alphamax BB would sort that c**t out He looks like a fcuking Pelican :wacko:
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