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Everything posted by Terryorr

  1. I agree with scarecrow mate, I have shot Beretta 301, 302, 303s and never had a problem with either. You can buy any model for around £300/£400 second hand and are way better than any escort NEW.
  2. Good write up mate, brilliant when a member takes time to tell the full story
  3. In Northern Ireland you can apply for an F.A.C. at 16 but must be supervised until 18 by someone over 21 and has held a certificate for 3 years, then at 18 you can apply for 1 yourself.
  4. if you say notin wise say notin. I traded it in to a gun dealer against another gun and he wasn,t interested
  5. Terryorr


    British Soldiers all work and pay taxes to keep those uglymothafuchas on benefits, they should be deported back to their filthy mudhuts where they come from SCUM
  6. I recently sold my Beretta 303 S/A and have 2 chokes and the key here for it. 1 choke has 3 nicks and the other has no nicks. According to my Browning manuel (if it is the same as Beretta) they are half choke and cylinder. The 2 chokes and key is £30 + p+p. Anyone interested pm me Cheers.
  7. Good write up mate and good work, well done
  8. hi mate its gen 2 + bino's i dont no there spec there my friends. i will ask him. they are very good they can see a fox out to over 400 yards pretty easy i would say. with the ir on. if foxes are lamp shy its great in the dark using nv and the call. i no for a fact the last one we had if we had gone in the field he was in with lamp on he would have gone in a instant. but the night vision then the shock of the lamp on got him still enough for a shot Good write up mate, I have heard a lot of praise about these night vision scopes but to see a fox out to 400yds at night they must be s
  9. This is what fecking annoys me, you are correct mate, send young troops out to be blown to bits and the feckers that do it will get more benifits and pensions than the Heroes from this country, when they come here and start claiming
  10. THE ONLY ASSHOLE IS THE ASSHOLE WHO DELIBRATELY TOOK MY WORDS OUT OF CONTEXT. I want to understand how these blokes can end up in the gutter in the first place, WHATS THE PROCCESS THAT GETS THEM IN THAT POSITION, and it is without Doubt a national disgrace. Apologies manxman, I read your post wrong, I thought you were running these Heroes down. I was obviously wrong. Good Luck not many apologise on the internet. my respects, and be lucky. Thanks mate CHEERS
  11. If it was me, I would put in for the .22 hornet 1st as if that was the only rifle I was interested in, then if that was approved I would apply for the other smaller calibers later, they wouldn,t be able to turn you down for smaller calibers once the .22 hornet was issued. But then again, your Constabulary may be different from mine. CHEERS.
  12. HAHAHA Done a lot of our heads in mate Cheers
  13. I aint an expert on this sort of thing mate but if you look down the top rib from the barrel end and the stock veers off to the right, this would suggest to me that this gun is for a left handed shooter. Only my opinion.
  14. THE ONLY ASSHOLE IS THE ASSHOLE WHO DELIBRATELY TOOK MY WORDS OUT OF CONTEXT. I want to understand how these blokes can end up in the gutter in the first place, WHATS THE PROCCESS THAT GETS THEM IN THAT POSITION, and it is without Doubt a national disgrace. Apologies manxman, I read your post wrong, I thought you were running these Heroes down. I was obviously wrong. Good Luck
  15. Well stainlee apologies mate, you were correct, I rang the organiser and she said it was a mistake, the letters should have been ....,. ....... instead of ....,. ...... CHEERS
  16. Terryorr


    Paki went into chemist and ask for Anadin and chemist give him it and paki left. The chemist soon realised that he had given him arsonic by mistake and rushed after him. He soon caught up with him and said : I just give you arsonic instead of anadin: paki ask : whats the difference: chemist replies : you owe me another fecking quid:
  17. manxman, what sort of arsehole are you. From your reply, I don,t think you were ever in a fight with your granny. These men and women are Britains Heros. On the Hunting Life, who thinks these men and women are Heroes
  18. I will always wear my poppy with pride. I have relations fighting in other countries, and I dont blame the british army for that, I blame the british government for that. ARSEHOLES
  19. East coast, this is a good subject which I think you will get many answers and different views, and each member will have his own opinion. Best night for lamping foxes, weather wise. Well to start with the worst nights is with rain or fog because your powerful lamp is useless, it reduces your range drastically. I have to agree with your friends that say, being in the right place at the right time is paramount. One big factor in successful lamping of foxes is : How many other lampers/shooters are in your area? If there are few lampers/shooters your chances are good, if there is a lot of lamper
  20. I agree mate, you may be correct on your philosophy, I dont know.
  21. Dont know folk,but its doing my head in haha.deanflute its a fireside quiz mate not a crossword haha
  22. When you apply for a Firearms Certificate you have to have written consent from 1 farmer. ( In Northern Ireland it used to be 3 farmers) but after you get your firearms certificate granted you can shoot on as many lands as you have permission on as long as the farmer (owner) gives you permission by word of mouth. The only time problems arise is when the farmer (owner) then turns around and tells the old bill ; I didn,t give him permission to shoot on my land, then you are in trouble. If you write out a contract that gives you permission and the farmer is happy to sign it then you know you are
  23. As far as I am aware mate, you can get 1 made, it will be up to your FEO to pass it or not. If your uncle is a welder he will still have to buy the metal and get it cut out and folded, so considering how much that would cost just to have your FEO turn it down, is it worth wasting that money and have to spend £100 later.
  24. Hello stainlee, thats a good answer but I deliberately didn,t give the letters in the answer, they are ----'- ------. No one can get this unless the amount of letters is a mistake. Cheers
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