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Everything posted by Terryorr

  1. Off course there are better calibres out there for foxy, the original question was what is the .22lr like for foxing and what range will they kill at. I think people miss read the topic title sometimes
  2. :hmm: Of course you do, but there are plenty of times the fox IS close. I never understand these comments, do we always say, for example.... a .243 is suitable for a deer, as long as it isn't more than a few hundred yards away? Just what is the difference? You use any calibre/ammo within its capabilities, and there are plenty of times a rimfire is enough/more than enough, for fox! :thumbs: Well said Deker
  3. 100 yards mate, but that's about it
  4. Don't agree with you at all bunny buster, the chap was only asking a simple question, is that not what forums are all about. If I had a query and put it on a forum the last thing I would want would be negative feed back
  5. Good reading Deker, the law over here has changed big style in the past decade or more, plenty young lads running bout with .223s .22/250s (I know a few lads with .308s for deer) theres hardly a fox about that isn't lamp shy lol. My mate and I used to lamp using the shotgun but jesus those days are almost gone now.
  6. All interesting replies lads, good reading, thanks
  7. The best rounds I have found are the cci segmented 1640fps 32 grain, for foxes out to 70/80 yards are lethal, but that's there limit mate, wouldn't chance them any further.
  8. Hi Fox assassin, an LR with correct ammo will take foxy out but your maximum range is going to be limited to 70/80 yards, the magnum will give you more but nothing like a centre fire, a .22 hornet would be a much better choice, should be easier to get on your FAC than say .222 .223 or 22/250 good luck
  9. Hi mate, are you from north or south of Ireland, my mate got .22magnum on 1st time in north, not ideal for foxy but better than ,22lr
  10. OK Charlie Caller, thanks for your reply, good info there
  11. Hi Coypu hunter, I watched video there, the 1s I have are 25 grain No 12 lead shot 716 (not sure what 716 means) they have a complete brass case with a crimped end, not like the 1s on the video.
  12. When I got my FAC through for my .22lr I bought a selection of rounds for it. I paid £9.00 for a box of 50 Federal shot shells for it. In my opinion they are for shooting rats in a barn but my mate says don't use them on a new rifle because they will ruin the rifling on the barrels. Is this correct? What is any other members views on this?
  13. Go for it mate, if you don't he could ask someone else and you could loose your new permission, it has happened before
  14. Your target card gonna be some size mate if its the size of a barn door
  15. Good point Charlie caller, there is actually a condition that comes with a new certificate that states the new holder must be supervised by someone who has same calibre for a period of 6 months.
  16. 10 years or more ago in Northern Ireland it was difficult to get a .22lr on your Firearms Certificate. (Even farmers and Landowners needed a helluva good reason). Now it is so much more relaxed you can have almost any calibre you wish as long as you can justify having it. A young lad I know never shot in his life and when he turned 18 he applied and got a .22 magnum. There was nothing stopping him going for a much more powerful centre fire such as ,223 or .22/250. I am certainly in favour of young men getting into the sport but it just shows how times have changed!
  17. Hi Slipper, its like every thing else mate, if any bullet hits the wrong thing it will ricochet,
  18. Variations, 1 for 1, 15 20 minutes while you wait, Way it should be. Congratulations to Wiltshire FAC issuers, well done.
  19. I don't know what the system in England is, but 10 years ago in Northern Ireland the application system was a joke. A nephew off mine waited 11 and a half months for his FAC to come through for a shotgun. ( In Northern Ireland a FAC covers everything from a low powered air rifle up to the most powerful CF rifle). Someone else took over the running of the system and divided the office in half. One half dealt with the back log and the other half dealt with the new applications. The system is all cleared up now and any variation or application is dealt with in exceptional time, ie, 1 month at mos
  20. Hi lads, anyone know of anywhere to buy clay pigeon trap springs, we were out for a shot couple of months ago and the spring broke and I cant find a dealer anywhere. I know the 1st question is gonna be What make is the trap? I don't know, it is a sit on double trap bout 12 year old, between the brackets to hold spring is 50cm, any contacts would be appreciated. Cheers
  21. They may feel good and shoot good mate, but the question that would be puzzling me would be how reliable they are, I,m not saying they aren,t but I would like to hear from others owners before blowing £650, let us know how you get on, OK Good luck.
  22. Good night there mate, .223 is an excellent foxing rifle, some thump when it hits home
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