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Everything posted by Terryorr

  1. 32 grm 6s Eley Super Game mate, brilliant cartridge, good luck
  2. Thanks for the replys lads, it makes the young lad happy when his posts are recognised and yes, I would like to see more young lads involoved in the sport and posting on the forums CHEERS
  3. There is no excuse for that. If you or I left a mag of less powerful ammo somewhere carelessly we wouldn,t hold an FAC to long afterwards
  4. Thanks Steven for doing something I was about to do, this dammed warn status thing appeared on my profile doing my head in, I was about to ask on the forun WHY but you beat me to it CHEERS
  5. Great read mate, well done.
  6. FFS hahaha brilliant mate LOONEY TUNES
  7. The 22 250 is an unbelievable foxing tool, I watched a dvd from America and they were shooting kyotes up too 4oo yrds with it. Happy Shooting mate
  8. The order of chokes are as follows, starting with the tightest 1st ie. the 1 with the least spread Full Choke 3/4 Choke 1/2 Choke 1/4 Choke Open. Open given the widest pattern therefore more of a chance of hitting the target. Gun barrels without changeable chokes will have set chokes ie, 1/4\1/2 1/2\full etc.
  9. i think it is a disgrace after what we have heard on the news lately about those little girls being mauled that when someone successfully traps these urban parasites someone from the RSPCA has the adaucity to releases them again, God forbid that anyone else is the victim of these now released pests.
  10. Hello mate, I certainly wouldn,t reccomend shooting a .22rf into the ground because you cannot be sure what lies beneath the surface, a ricochet could prove disastrous. 10 to 15 ft is only 5 yards and imo a .410 would put the fox down ok but as compo has said the ultimate fox cartridge is the old 12 gauge BB. Cheers
  11. Those dogs are a credit to you mate, all in excellent condition and shining, well done
  12. Hello pal :welcomeani: I just watched a dvd from down under, Tom Varney and Son, Calling foxes, good show, he makes it look easy.
  13. Good job mate, must be a helluva piece of equipment,good post. Cheers
  14. Hello mate, i,m no expert on clays but my view would be, A clay pigeon is very fragile and only 1 pellet is suffice to break it, therefore what you need is a lot of spread to give you a better chance of hitting it, therefore the widest choke available to you would be the one to use.
  15. Its true, the HO firearms guide for the police states .17 CF as minimum for fox, although you do find some constabularies allowing it. Hello mate, I wasn,t talking about the caliber, I was talking about the 30yrd ruling THANKS
  16. Hello stubby,never heard that one before mate,I have no reason to doubt you, all forces have their own laws. ah well we learn something new every day. Cheers
  17. Would have to agree mate,anything up to would be it. CHEERS
  18. Some people would argue that the old .22 is not up for the job, but this just proves them wrong, well done mate. How much further would you take a shot at a fox with it?
  19. That 243 certainly takes no prisoners mate, well done
  20. and mine mate Your right mate, the country would be a lot more wealthier if they all went back to mudhuts without all their f...ing benefits
  21. I hope that old lady stands for the next election, she can have my vote
  22. SCUMBAG B.....D, good luck mate
  23. 8 of us are heading over on the saturday and meeting up with half a dozen lads over there, will be some crack on the saturday night. Looking forward to show on the sunday. See yous there lads.
  24. Cheers Pal, I will get him to do just that,
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