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About subaru.dogs

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Pm me hopper I'll give you my number to phone, I'm not dogface.
  2. I'll leave it we're it is now, atb foz
  3. Its all hear say, he sed she sed. Its amusing how the cyber hunting world creat crews and clans ov know it alls. Fencehopper, don't throw stones in glass houses.
  4. David, I seen what was said, youv completley got it rong. Never once was said that, the fawn bitch an choco dog. Never, it was the red pup and my brindle halfx. End ov, so untill next time. Enjoy another day infront ov the computer, atb foz
  5. Full ov rubish that reply, MB done the dirty on taff and made out his pup didn't track it, the fallow in question has nothing to do with that bitch what so ever so wher that come from is another shot recource ov ill knowlage. Reson I know what's what's as taffs young pup tracked it with my dog after a poor shot. Enyway enough ov the noncense, when taff gets on he can see what's what. Iv no doubt what so ever he will run that above bitch for eny one within reason who wants to see it go, I've seen it run a few times over the last 3 seasons, atb foz
  6. Some beltin dogs on ere I like that white dog bob mate
  7. That's the difrence, they arnt bred purpose to sell, they ar bred for the lads own benafit, not pocket fillers.
  8. Wheaton x pups availible. Dogs and bitches. PM for number or info
  9. Get off ya high horse, in this modern day climate we ar in permo isn't as easy to come by for young lads as it once was. Permo or no permo, track suit bottoms or camo bottoms who givs a shit, stop beeing so petty and get at it, to all. Now leave the thread run, good luck with the mating, as I said nice bull
  10. Nice pup i like the buckskin colourd dogs
  11. Was a 1st cross bull grey
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